Thursday, October 22, 2015

Radio Personality Remembered.

For those of us who were growing up or were young adults here on the Eastern Shore during the "Top 40" radio days we tuned in to Salisbury's WJDY to hear the latest hit records. John Psota, known on the radio as "Johnny Williams," was on the air there for about a decade beginning in the late 1950's and he also devoted much of his time in promoting  youth activities. John passed away this week at age 91.  Some of the other WJDY personalities were Dick Ireland, "RT" (Roland Twig) and Jim King.


  1. Anonymous8:02:00 AM

    Our own Wayne Powell also worked at WICO in the late '60s, among other stations.

    Your friend,

  2. During Wayne's radio career he worked at WDMV, WICO, WJDY, WKHI, and WKHW.


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