Friday, October 9, 2015

The Worcester House

Thanks to the Pocomoke Public Eye reader who supplied information today on a question posted previously about The Worcester House. 

Not a comment or an opinion but a question that some long time resident of Pocomoke may know. Just over the MD line in VA not far down from the Royal Farms (same side of highway) is an antique store. I think it is called the Worcester House. It's a low, long building. One one end is a large walk in fireplace. Does anyone know when this building was built and what was it's original purpose? 
on 9/17/15

Thelma & Butch Arion, owners of The Worcester House Antiques; acquired the property in the early 1960's. Soon after, they built the center section of the "long, Bucks County Gold" building and that became their original shop in New Church, Virginia. In 1972, they expanded with the current section along with a large walk-in fireplace... a replica in the Williamsburg style. The 12" to 18" boards that surround the fireplace were from an old barn. That's right, it has been an antique shop for almost 53 years. Why the name the Worcester House Antiques? Originally, their shop and house was situated in Worcester County between Pocomoke & Snow Hill. The State of Maryland acquired their shop, house & land to make way for Route 113 North road. So, the name just stuck and there was really no reason to rename the business. The Arions divorced and Thelma Olsen Arion has been the sole proprietor of the shop and acreage. The antique market has changed over the years but she still carries on.
on 10/9/15


  1. Anonymous5:27:00 PM

    Thelma has been there just about as long as I can remember, and I'm pretty damn old! I think she had a hot looking daughter, but that was many years ago, too. You may not believe it but I was pretty hot, too, but that was many years ago, as well.

    Your friend,

  2. Anonymous8:29:00 PM

    Interesting. I always thought the building was a lot older than it is. I like going in there. It's a nice shop with a couple of resident cats throughout. Anyone that likes cats are fine people to me. They had some really good peaches they were selling out front this summer too.

  3. Anonymous8:17:00 PM

    Does anyone know if Thelma's parents were Oscar and Frieda?

    Your friend,


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