Sunday, August 7, 2016

TIME MACHINE: The Lower Eastern Shore's Past Recounted In 1899.

(Reader-friendly viewing of news archives/historical archives material)

September, 1899

The Morning News (Wilmington, De.)

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:11:00 PM

    For a really good story in a similar vein I suggest reading "The Entailed Hat" by George Alfred Townsend. It's a story from the same era, primarily about a lady(?) named Patty Cannon who was a real piece of work. It all takes place right here on the Delmarva Peninsula up around Bridgeville, although Patty got around all over the area. She managed to piss off the wrong people and got herself hanged. After hanging they were still so mad that her head was chopped off from the rest of her body. Believe it or not, her skull was on display at the public library in Dover up until the 1960's!

    Your friend,


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