Thursday, December 8, 2016

Holiday Shopping Safety


Chief William Harden would like to remind citizens, Criminals celebrate the holidays, too.

In fact thieves revel this time of year because the pickings are easy.

Cars and homes are full of Christmas presents, and shoppers’ pockets and purses are bulging with holiday cash and credit cards.

But by following basic crime prevention guidelines, most citizens can likely avoid becoming another holiday crime statistic.

Locking your car doors, hiding your packages and holding tight to purses and wallets may sound like mundane advice – but the tactics work.

Shoppers can provide the best protection for themselves this time of year – even though security at many shopping centers and malls is beefed up during the holiday shopping period.

Criminals also use this time of year to prey on people’s holiday spirits.

Pocomoke City Police have these holiday season warnings to avoid crime:

• Try to shop in the daytime, and go with a shopping buddy if possible.

• Park in a highly visible place close to store entrances.

• Carry your wallet in your front pocket to counter pickpockets.

• Lock valuables out of sight, preferably in your car’s trunk.

• Make one big shopping foray instead of lots of small trips. That way, you can avoid leaving packages unattended in your car.

• Have your car keys ready when you leave the store.

• If you feel unsafe, ask a store worker or security person to walk you to your car.

• Look inside your car, including the backseat area, before getting inside.

Happy Holidays

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