Sunday, June 18, 2017

TIME MACHINE: 1880, 1935, 2000.

Our Little Corner In Space And Time   

(Reader-friendly viewing of news archives/historical archives material)

The Pocomoke City scandal of 1880.

January, 1880

 The New York Times

June, 1880

The New York Times

July, 1935

The Morning News (Wilmington)

February, 2000

The Daily Times (Salisbury)

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  1. Anonymous9:33:00 AM

    Ah, Edna Davy Muir...quite a story herself. Dr. Tull was a man of means from Philadelphia and had a summer estate on the Wicomico River near Foggy Bottom. About 1920 he adopted two young local girls just for fun and he died in 1927, leaving his considerable estate to Edna and her sister. I never knew her sister or the governess but I knew Edna well.

    Edna was know to bathe on occasion, some said she even took a bath every month, but all agreed one could smell her coming. She enjoyed Dr. Tull's money and managed to make it last her entire life, which spanned approximately 90 years. Sometime later in life she met Brice Stump, a features writer with the Daily Times and she related stories to him and he cleaned them up and published them in the paper. Much editing was necessary as she was a coarse woman and her language was not suitable for a family newspaper.

    Eventually Mr. Stump realized that Ms. Muir still possessed considerable wealth and he convinced her to marry him even though he was 40 years younger than she and he was a noted member of the local gay scene. Eventually Mr. Stump's dream was realized when Ms. Muir finally died and left her entire estate to him and almost nothing to her one daughter, Frances Havey.

    Your friend,

  2. Interesting stuff, Slim. Thanks.


  3. Anonymous1:45:00 PM

    Edna was a woman of considerable assets. The estate on the river was known as Melody Manor and Dr. Tull owned considerable land in the area which passed to Edna and her sister upon his death. As you leave Princess Anne towards Salisbury there is a large stand on pines on the left side of Rt. 13. Edna owned that land and almost all the other land from their to the Wicomico River.

    Edna also hated Chevrolets but loved Fords, especially Lincoln Continentals of which she owned several. I recall one particular day sometime after she and Brice had married and she wanted to take a road trip somewhere to the south. She and Brice departed in her Lincoln but ran into an overheating problem when they reached Norfolk. They pulled into a local Ford/Lincoln dealer and explained the problem. The manager said they would take a look and have them back on the road shortly. Edna stated that he was mistaken, she did not want her car fixed, she wanted to trade it in for a new one, and right now! The manager was taken aback but Edna pulled out her checkbook and emphasized her point. She and Brice drove off in a new Lincoln within two hours!

    Your friend,


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