Friday, August 25, 2017

Donald "Don" Malloy

A memorial service is scheduled for 5 p.m. Saturday at the Elk's Lodge for Pocomoke City's Don Malloy who passed away earlier this week.
(excerpt from obituary)
Donald, known to most as Don, moved to Pocomoke in 1960 and dedicated his life to the town. His local contributions include; Jaycees, Civic Council, Board of Directors for the Mar-Va Theater, four time Exalted Ruler at the Elks Lodge#1624, Choir Director at Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Church, Master of Ceremonies for the Little Miss Pocomoke Contest, Head Umpire for Pocomoke Little League, and Pocomoke City Councilman. He was also instrumental in the design and construction of the Cypress Park Nature Trail and was Santa Claus for over fifty years in the Pocomoke Christmas Parade.

He proudly served as a member of the Pocomoke City Volunteer Fire Department for 48 years, was one of the first professional CRTs on the Ambulance Squad, and faithfully manned the Fire Department's Annual Chicken BBQ Fundraiser.

Full obituary at:


  1. Anonymous10:35:00 AM

    Does anyone else remember when Don (Santa Claus) Malloy arrived by helicopter on the roof of the J. J. Newberry store in downtown Pocomoke?

    Your friend,

  2. Slim- I did a little search and found an article in the Dec.1, 1966 Pocomoke Messenger about Santa arriving at Newberry's by helicopter. Don't know if that was the only year this occurred.-tk

  3. Anonymous10:00:00 AM

    The one and only time. It was a small, two seat helicopter and someone else was scheduled to be Santa but he chickened out so Don was it. I believe Christmas 1967(?) the fire company managed to acquire a small sounding rocket from Wallops and Santa arrived via fire truck in the Christmas parade riding on the rocket.

    Your friend,


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