Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Old photo's revelation..

Our post of a few weeks ago about Pocomoke City's late mayor, movie operator, and radio personality J. Dawson Clarke mentioned that early in his career Dawson was a professional photographer.  I was aware of the photography only because of his signature on photo portraits of me and my sister. Thanks to Marc Scher for sending us the following.- tk

We had this picture framed in the store for years. I was always curious about the finer details of what the picture was for my dad really didn't know why or when the picture was taken. I decided to get a nicer frame and when I took the picture out I saw Dawson Clarke's stamp on the back of the picture. This all happened a month after he passed away.

(picture width reduced from original for posting)

Marc also shared this recollection about Dawson's Saturday morning radio broadcast:

I remember as a young child going to the radio station on Saturday mornings with my older brother. I must have been seven or eight years old. Dawson would have drawings for free passes to the movies. I won a free pass. But dealing with my older brother, he forced me not to tell our parents because we would get money for the movies anyway and could buy more candy. Sure enough we never told them and took the money to buy the candy. Being a small town news travels fast. Our parents found out and of course we paid for it when we got home.

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