Monday, February 4, 2019


Virginia Governor Ralph Northam

And you say...?


  1. Anonymous8:37:00 AM

    I would say that because he is not able to govern under the circumstances then he does not have a choice but to resign.

  2. Anonymous9:31:00 AM


  3. Anonymous9:50:00 AM

    The photos were someone's attempt at humor. If something like this was portrayed on Saturday Night Live there probably wouldn't be an eyebrow raised.

  4. Anonymous11:41:00 AM

    Well I remember when minstrel shows were held all over. I was young when I attended one in Pocomoke at the Marva Theater. So would that have meant that I could have never run for a public office or that the Marva be closed up now because of it? What I remember about the show was a lot of singing and telling jokes but if there was any put downs about race I didn't pick that up. A lot of well known people from town performed in the show and it was put on by one of the civic clubs.

  5. Anonymous4:52:00 PM

    This might be a bit off topic but relates in a way to the black face controversy. I don't listen to rap music but like everyone I've been exposed to it at times and I cringe when I hear the use of the "N" word that seems to be rampant with that genre of music. I don't condone its use ever but the rappers don't hesitate to use it and the rap audience accepts it.

  6. Anonymous8:28:00 PM

    When you've lost the support of the majority of your peers you're headed down a dead end road and it looks like that's where the governor is heading, plus being hounded by protesters whenever he tries to make a public appearance. Bob- Princess Anne.

  7. Anonymous10:12:00 PM

    During the radio interview before the blackface/klansman photo appeared, he described a process where a newborn would be made comfortable, or revived, before the mother and doctors decided what to do next. It sounded like infanticide, and he had to next explain what he really meant. Sorry. I don't buy it. He's a pediatric neurosurgeon who should have the knowledge to speak on such subjects clearly and straightforwardly. I can only imagine being his patient, and hearing his words about a procedure or what to expect next during delivery - only to learn later he misspoke and really meant something else? He stumbles too often having to say what he really means. I think that shows he lacks real character or commitment, I mean, apologizing before looking at the photos and knowing it wasn't him to begin with? Really? And what about his nickname? Nobody has said where that came from. I really don't care if he steps down because of these embarrassing circumstances of late, I think he should step down because he lacks good character.


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