Sunday, July 14, 2019

TIME MACHINE: 1989, 1971, 1880, 1949, 1936.

March, 1989

Daily Times (Salisbury)

March, 1971
(Pocomoke Jr. Womens Club)

 Democratic Messenger

April, 1880

The Morning News (Wilmington)

Footnote:  The spelling is "Klej Grange," the first word reportedly representing the first name initials of Drexel's daughters.

July, 1949

The Capital (Annapolis)

May, 1936

Worcester Democrat

Footnote: A son and grandson of Sartorius were physicians who had longtime practices in Pocomoke City.


1955.. 12-year-old Judy Tarr is the Delmarva Spelling Bee champion and will compete in the national competition.

Salisbury Times
The Morning Call (Allentown, Pa.)

Note: WBOC-TV broadcasts a special 30-minute program Monday evening (July 15) celebrating 65 years on the air. On Monday we'll republish a Pocomoke Public Eye article from a couple of years ago looking back at the Eastern Shore's early TV history.

The Time Machine is a weekly feature I've enjoyed researching and compiling on The Pocomoke Public Eye since 2011.  I have fond memories of growing up in Pocomoke City and welcome reader contributions we can share about things you've read, remember, or were told relating to our Pocomoke/Eastern shore area...a sentence, a paragraph, or more all fine. Just email it.

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