Friday, January 31, 2020

Super Bowl Winners By Year


  1. Anonymous8:03:00 PM

    For at least the first three American Football League-National Football League Championships (The term "Super Bowl" had not yet been invented) there were tow different shaped footballs used.

    The National Football League used a football that looks like what we use today. The American Football League use a narrower, thinner ball. Whenever the NFL team was on offense the NFL ball was used. When the AFL team was on offense the thinner ball was used. Even though the balls were different whenever there was a turnover due to fumble or interception the recovering team never seemed to have a problem.

  2. Anonymous8:37:00 PM

    Great info. Interesting. Thanks for posting it.

  3. When you're old you can remember a lot of stuff.....until you can't.


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