Sunday, April 12, 2020

Time Machine: 1983, 1849, 1924, 1960.

April, 1983

Daily Times (Salisbury)

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Mayor Clarke's piano talents were legendary, he was even a piano player for silent movies back in the day. He once told me he never learned to read music and just looked at the screen and tried to anticipate what was going to happen and moved his fingers to match. Does anyone actually know if he could read music or not?

8:26:00 AM
This 1950's photo shows the WBOC Pocomoke radio studio from which Dawson Clarke hosted programs. He often played the piano pictured. Did he use sheet music? The second picture is from a film of a 1963 Rotary Club gathering in Pocomoke where Dawson provided music. -tk

October, 1849
Baltimore Sun
Footnote: Sandy Hill was the former name of Stockton.

July, 1924
(Do you know the way to...Crisfield?)
Philadelphia Inquirer

January, 1960
Pocomoke firemen-
 Pocomoke Fire Company photo

If you lived on the Eastern Shore during the early years of NASA at Wallops you might recall hearing telephoned news reports on radio by spokesperson Joyce Milliner when there was launch activity.  Mrs. Milliner passed away recently.  She was 85.

1967  .. Dr. Christiaan Barnard performs the first heart transplant operation.

1978  ..  Space Invaders sparks interest in video games.

The Time Machine is a weekly feature I've enjoyed researching and compiling on The Pocomoke Public Eye since 2011.  I have fond memories of growing up in Pocomoke City and welcome reader contributions we can share about things you've read, remember, or were told relating to our Pocomoke/Eastern shore area...a sentence, a paragraph, or more all fine. Just email it.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:26:00 AM

    Mayor Clarke's piano talents were legendary, he was even a piano player for silent movies back in the day. He once told me he never learned to read music and just looked at the screen and tried to anticipate what was going to happen and moved his fingers to match. Does anyone actually know if he could read music or not?


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