Sunday, April 26, 2020

Time Machine: 2010(x2), 1930, 1954, 1886.

February, 2010

Daily Times (Salisbury)

BarryB said...

Must have been an interesting election since Bob and Harvey 

lived across the street from each other.

Anonymous said...
10 years later and people running for office are still trying
 to do the same thing. Has anyone really accomplished
anything? Has anything changed? Is there any movement on
these campaign ideas? This makes me sad.  

Anonymous said...
No one has accomplished anything. Nothing has changed.
The only movement regarding campaigns is the Mayor and 
Council have discovered they don't have to hold elections if
they don't want to. That is what makes me sad.

April, 2010

                                                                              Daily Times (Salisbury)

June, 1930

                                                                        Evening Sun (Baltimore)

January, 1954                                                                                          

                                                                                The Denton Journal

October, 1886
                                                                                 Peninsula Enterprise

1960  ..  

Anonymous Anonymous said...

WDMV was originally licensed as WDVM and went on the air 1n 1955 and was 

housed in a tiny cinder block building on Stockton Road, just behind where Choppy 

Layton lives now. The main DJ was Eddie Matherly who was known as "Mama's 

Country Youngin". The call sign was changed to WDMV somewhere around 1959 or 

1960 to represent "Wonderful Delmarva".

  tk for ppe said...
When Cuban dictator Batista was overthrown WDVM listeners got the news from 

Eddie Matherly in these words: "Batista high-tailed it out of Cuba this morning."

Matherly and his "Hoedowners" performed around the lower Eastern Shore. His 

"Hillbilly Haven" promoted country music shows on the Eastern Shore of Virginia at 

Red Hill near Horntown.  He left the Eastern Shore in 1960.  In 1964 Matherly was 

stricken with a fatal heart attack after he mc'd a country music show at the 

Washington Coliseum. It was a month before his 37th birthday.  At the time he was 

general manager of a Warrenton, Va. radio station.  

1977  ..

The Time Machine is a weekly feature I've enjoyed researching and compiling on The Pocomoke Public Eye since 2011.  I have fond memories of growing up in Pocomoke City and welcome reader contributions we can share about things you've read, remember, or were told relating to our Pocomoke/Eastern shore area...a sentence, a paragraph, or more all fine. Just email it.


  1. Anonymous9:21:00 AM

    WDMV was originally licensed as WDVM and went on the air 1n 1955 and was housed in a tiny cinder block building on Stockton Road, just behind where Choppy Layton lives now. The main DJ was Eddie Matherly who was known as "Mama's Country Youngin". The call sign was changed to WDMV somewhere around 1959 or 1960 to represent "Wonderful Delmarva".

  2. Must have been an interesting election since Bob and Harvey lived across the street from each other.

  3. Anonymous12:49:00 AM

    10 years later and people running for office are still trying to do the same thing, saying they want to do the same thing. Has anyone really accomplished anything? Has anything changed? Is there any movement on these campaign ideas? This makes me sad.

  4. Anonymous10:49:00 AM

    No one has accomplished anything. Nothing has changed. The only movement regarding campaigns is that the Mayor and Council have discovered they don't have to hold elections if they don't want to. That is what makes me sad.


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