Sunday, July 5, 2020

Time Machine: 1960, 1933, 1913, 2003, 1907.

April, 1960
Salisbury Times

(Reader comment)
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I can remember seeing Jim Willing play both first base and pitcher in the men's softball league, even though he had only one arm. He could catch the ball, tuck the glove under the stump of his other arm, and throw just as well and anybody else. He is probably better known as being Pocomoke's milkman for many, many years. I believe he drove the milk truck for Sealtest milk.

December, 1933
The Daily Mail (Hagerstown) 

August, 1913
Democratic Messenger

March, 2003 

Daily Times (Salisbury)

April, 1907

(enlarged font)

The Washington Post

1977  ..

1981  ..      We're hearing a new term "Internet" mentioned in connection with computers.

The Time Machine is a weekly feature I've enjoyed researching and compiling on The Pocomoke Public Eye since 2011.  I have fond memories of growing up in Pocomoke City and welcome reader contributions we can share about things you've read, remember, or were told relating to our Pocomoke/Eastern shore area...a sentence, a paragraph, or more all fine. Just email it.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:26:00 AM

    I can remember seeing Jim Willing play both first base and pitcher in the men's softball league, even though he had only one arm. He could catch the ball, tuck the glove under the stump of his other arm, and throw just as well and anybody else. He is probably better known as being Pocomoke's milkman for many, many years. I believe he drove the milk truck for Sealtest milk.


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