Sunday, September 13, 2020

Time Machine: 1993, 1985, 1910, 1881, 1962, 1973.

September, 1993

 Daily Times (Salisbury)

(PPE Reader comment)

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pocomoke City had an earlier airport, located on Rt. 113 where the YMCA and Elks lodge are now located and was in use up until at least 1960.. The soil there was very light and sandy and not much good for field crops so an airstrip was considered the best use of the property. Preston Marshall and Luck Cowger kept aircraft there at one time. There was also a huge old farmhouse located on the hill in the rear of the property which seemed to be very mysterious with strange comings and goings.

In the spring of 1967 a large black Cadillac started making appearances around Pocomoke, especially at US 13 Restaurant. The car was always driven by a lady in her mid-40s or so, and there were always two younger blond girls in the back seat who appeared to be in their late teens or early 20s. When not out and about in town the Cadillac was always parked at the mysterious house at the "airport".

One evening in May of 1967 I was having dinner with my mother at US 13 Restaurant when the black Cadillac pulled in and I remarked to my mother about this strange vehicle. Mom's only comment was, "Just stay away from those people if you know what's good for you."

Five years later I was having a conversation with Don Malloy regarding locating a new Elks lodge on the old airport property and the subject of the old farmhouse came up.

"My God," exclaimed Don, "I thought everybody knew what that place was. That was Pocomoke's house of ill repute. The older lady was the madam and the two young blonds were her "working girls". The county sheriff was on the take so they never had to worry about being raided or having any kind of trouble."

 February, 1985

 Marylander And Herald

January, 1910
 The Crisfield Times

March, 1881
Democratic Messenger

1962  ..  The new Colony Lanes bowling center is opening in Pocomoke.

1973  ..  What's this?
They're calling it a barcode and it's probably going to be around for a while.

The Time Machine is a weekly feature I've enjoyed researching and compiling on The Pocomoke Public Eye since 2011.  I have fond memories of growing up in Pocomoke City and welcome reader contributions we can share about things you've read, remember, or were told relating to our Pocomoke/Eastern shore area...a sentence, a paragraph, or more all fine. Just email it.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:16:00 PM

    Pocomoke City had an earlier airport, located on Rt. 113 where the YMCA and Elks loge are now located and was in use up until at least 1960.. The soil there was very light and sandy and not much good for field crops so an airstrip was considered the best use of the property. Preston Marshall and Luck Cowger kept aircraft there at one time. There was also a huge old farmhouse located on the hill in the rear of the property which seemed to be very mysterious with strange comings and goings.

    In the spring of 1967 a large black Cadillac started making appearances around Pocomoke, especially at US 13 Restaurant. The car was always driven by a lady in her mid-40s or so, and there were always two younger blond girls in the back seat who appeared to be in their late teens or early 20s. When not out and about in town the Cadillac was always parked at the mysterious house at the "airport".

    One evening in May of 1967 I was having dinner with my mother at US 13 Restaurant when the black Cadillac pulled in and I remarked to my mother about this strange vehicle. Mom's only comment was, "Just stay away from those people if you know what's good for you."

    Five years later I was having a conversation with Don Malloy regarding locating a new Elks lodge on the old airport property and the subject of the old farmhouse came up.

    "My God," exclaimed Don, "I thought everybody knew what that place was. That was Pocomoke's house of ill repute. The older lady was the madam and the two young blonds were her "working girls". The county sheriff was on the take so they never had to worry about being raided or having any kind of trouble."


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