Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Md. Board Of Elections Issues Statement On Drop Boxes


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For additional information check with the Worcester County Board Of Elections.

Phone: (410) 632-1320

Email: Worcester.Elections@maryland.gov



(Reader comments)

 Anonymous said...

Why should anyone be concerned about ballot boxes in Maryland as they are irrelevant to this election. As far as the presidential election Maryland will vote overwhelmingly democrat, there is no senatorial election in Maryland this year and the congressional race for District One is not in doubt. Further, there are no local races because they are decided in "off year" elections. Anyone who goes to the polls will be wasting time and energy and anyone who votes by mail will be wasting postage and the time of postal employees.

AnonymousAnonymous said...

VOTE as if the health of our democracy depends on it. IT DOES!


  1. Anonymous6:18:00 PM

    Why should anyone be concerned about ballot boxes in Maryland as they are irrelevant to this election. As far as the presidential election Maryland will vote overwhelmingly democrat, there is no senatorial election in Maryland this year and the congressional race for District One is not in doubt. Further, there are no local races because they are decided in "off year" elections. Anyone who goes to the polls will be wasting time and energy and anyone who votes by mail will be wasting postage and the time of postal employees.

  2. Anonymous8:34:00 PM

    VOTE as if the health of our democracy depends on it. IT DOES!


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