Sunday, November 1, 2020

Time Machine: 1952, 1937, 2003, 1885, 1971, 1965.


June, 1952

Salisbury Times

(Reader comments)

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Willow Street was used for many dances and other activities in the '50s, including Halloween parades and costume judging. I remember one year Kenny Pettit and Milton Rutter decided to go at the last minute but they had no costumes. They stole sheets off their parents beds, Milton put on a wig and red lipstick and Kenny put some leaves on his head and they went as Julius Caesar and wife. They won first prize.

 BarryB said...

Typical of a dance, more people watching from the sidelines then actually dancing.

October, 1937


Worcester Democrat

August, 2003
The News Journal (Wilmington)

January, 1885
Peninsula Enterprise

1971  ..  There's now a bridge going in to north Ocean City.
(Daily Times- Salisbury)

1965  ..  A power blackout hits New York, much of the northeast and parts of Canada.


  1. Anonymous6:30:00 AM

    Willow Street was used for many dances and other activities in the '50s, including Halloween parades and costume judging. I remember one year Kenny Pettit and Milton Rutter decided to go at the last minute but they had no costumes. They stole sheets off their parents beds, Milton put on a wig and red lipstick and Kenny put some leaves on his head and they went as Julius Caesar and wife. They won first prize.

  2. Typical of a dance, more people watching from the sidelines then actually dancing.


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