Friday, January 8, 2021

Worcester County Public Schools Update

January 8, 2021 - Responsible Return Update

Posted on 01/08/2021
Good evening, families,

As promised, I wanted to share with you some important information regarding our Responsible Return. Since my last message to you, we have been working diligently to further safeguard our schools to ensure your child and our faculty and staff are able to safely begin the transition to in-person learning. 

As I shared with you last week, all faculty and staff at our schools received a customized training last month. This week, we have put into place additional supports and precautions to bolster our already comprehensive safety protocols and procedures.

We have also had lengthy discussions with our local health officials, and with their full support, I am able to announce that our faculty and staff will return to our schools this Monday, January 11, and we will welcome our first small group of students back to our classrooms the following Tuesday, January 19. Schools have already made contact with the families of those students in that first wave. I also want you to understand that this timeline relies heavily on no unforeseen circumstances occurring and no major changes in our local COVID-19 metrics.

As we begin the transition to Stage Two of our Responsible Return plan, it is more important than ever that you – our families – commit to doing your part to help our students return to in-person learning. Please complete our screening tool honestly each day. Make sure your child is properly masked; remind them of the importance of keeping a physical distance of 6 feet or more from others; and please keep your child home when sick. I cannot stress to you how important your help is to making sure your child, our teachers, and staff can remain healthy and safe. 

Thank you for your continued support and understanding during these difficult times, and as always, may God continue to bless you and your family.

Lou Taylor
Superintendent of Schools 

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