Sunday, May 16, 2021

Time Machine: 1938, 1979, 1908, 1938, 2006.


May, 1938

Worcester Democrat

March, 1979

Daily Times (Salisbury)

May, 1908
In Crisfield..
Crisfield Times

August, 1938
If you attended school in Pocomoke City in the 1940's or 1950's some of these names should bring back school days memories.

Worcester Democrat

(PPE reader comment)
AnonymousAnonymous said...

Let's see.....I had Sarah Dallas for first grade, Julia Robertson for second, Violet Chesser for fourth and Annie Ross for principal. Miss Ross, by the way, was a very strong Orioles fan.

tkforppe says: I had Sarah Dallas for first grade. There was a fire in that old school building that year (1948-1949) and we were off school for a while. Julia Robertson was my teacher in third grade although she apparently taught second grade during most of her career. Incidentally, my  second grade teacher was Miss Mary Moore at the start of the school year and she became Mrs. Klein Leister during that school year. 

April, 2006

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:24:00 AM

    Let's see.....I had Sarah Dallas for first grade, Julia Robertson for second, Violet Chesser for fourth and Annie Ross for principal. Miss Ross, by the way, was a very strong Orioles fan.


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