Sunday, June 27, 2021

Time Machine: 1993, 1882, 1931, 1924, 1947.

August, 1993

(FROG EYE LANDMARK. Virginia Bell, left, Earl Price and his wife Peggy are shown in front of what they call Frog Eye Church, the only landmark in the elusive village of Frog Eye, near Marion Station in Somerset County. )

Daily Times (Salisbury)


(PPE Reader comment)

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Frog Eye exists. I was friends with Earl and Peggy and three of their children. I worked with Denny at Kellam's in Pocomoke, dated Cathy and Baby Duck (Margaret) was a good friend and confidant when she worked at my doctor's office.

Frog Eye was the temporary home to a part time con man and swindler. In 1971 a man and his family came to Pocomoke and bought the old Pilchard Brothers building at Twelfth and Market and opened up a dealership for American Motors. He flashed a lot of big money around town and bought a house in Frog Eye on Cornstack Road, on the right just down from Rehobeth Road (Rt. 667). He spent a fortune on that house and Denny Price and I did a lot of installation of gas lines and appliances.

He also spent a lot of money promoting his dealership but I know of only one car that he sold, a white Gremlin to some local fellow who spent every day and night for the next six months driving it up and down Market Street. Eventually this guy ran out of money and his creditors foreclosed and everything went to rack and ruin and everybody lost lots of money. I knew from the beginning that this guy was a shyster because he always wore white patent leather shoes and a white patent leather belt.

August, 1882

Democratic Messenger

March, 1931

The Evening Sun (Baltimore)

May, 1924

Worcester Democrat

March, 1947

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:56:00 AM

    Frog Eye exists. I was friends with Earl and Peggy and three of their children. I worked with Denny at Kellam's in Pocomoke, dated Cathy and Baby Duck (Margaret) was a good friend and confidant when she worked at my doctor's office.

    Frog Eye was the temporary home to a part time con man and swindler. In 1971 a man and his family came to Pocomoke and bought the old Pilchard Brothers building at Twelfth and Market and opened up a dealership for American Motors. He flashed a lot of big money around town and bought a house in Frog Eye on Cornstack Road, on the right just down from Rehobeth Road (Rt. 667). He spent a fortune on that house and Denny Price and I did a lot of installation of gas lines and appliances.

    He also spent a lot of money promoting his dealership but I know of only one car that he sold, a white Gremlin to some local fellow who spent every day and night for the next six months driving it up and down Market Street. Eventually this guy ran out of money and his creditors foreclosed and everything went to rack and ruin and everybody lost lots of money. I knew from the beginning that this guy was a shyster because he always wore white patent leather shoes and a white patent leather belt.


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