Sunday, August 15, 2021

Time Machine: 1942, 1908, 1964, 1997, 1893.


February, 1942 (draft registration)

(PICTURE CAPTION READS: The above shows a section of the enrolling force employed in the third registration, which took place in the auditorium of the Pocomoke City high school on February 15, 16, and 17, when 310 names were secured at this point, and about 1200 in the entire county.

Those shown in the above cut are, from left to right: E. W. Ham and Jake Mason, W. L. Bennett and William Miller, Verlin  C. Krabill and Raymond C. Dryden; and R. E. Matthews is shown registering Willis Hall.)

February, 1908
The Camden Post-Telegram (Camden, N.J.)

April, 1964

Hartford Courant (Hartford, Cn.)
Footnote:  This book is still available (i.e. Amazon) but, of course, it won't be at the 1964 price.

June, 1997

(Newly crowned Little Miss Pocomoke Julie Pearce, 5. and her sister Erin, 3, enjoy a funnel cake at the Cypress Festival Saturday.)
Daily Times (Salisbury)

March, 1893

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