Sunday, October 3, 2021

Time Machine: 1954, 1986, 1872, 1921, 1958.


March, 1954

The Morning News (Wilmington)

August, 1986 (excerpt)

Baltimore Sun

February, 1872

Wilmington Daily Commercial

December, 1921


Marylander And Herald 

May, 1958

(PPE reader comment)
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With all the wailing and gnashing of teeth over federal vaccination mandates it is important to note a fine point that almost everyone is unaware of.

When I was coming along it was mandated that all school children receive certain vaccinations as a condition of admittance to public school. Later, in approximately fourth or fifth grade it was mandated that we receive the Salk vaccine which was administered by a sugar cube impregnated with the vaccine. These vaccines were mandated by state and/or county rules, not by the federal government.

States, counties and local governments can do this because they have police powers. The US Constitution does not grant police powers to the federal government. So if Maryland or Worcester County mandates vaccinations that is a legal function of their governor or legislature. If Joe Biden or the United States Congress mandates vaccinations then it is certainly an overstepping of their authorities.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:22:00 AM

    With all the wailing and gnashing of teeth over federal vaccination mandates it is important to note a fine point that almost everyone is unaware of.

    When I was coming along it was mandated that all school children receive certain vaccinations as a condition of admittance to public school. Later, in approximately fourth or fifth grade it was mandated that we receive the Salk vaccine which was administered by a sugar cube impregnated with the vaccine. These vaccines were mandated by state and/or county rules, not by the federal government.

    States, counties and local governments can do this because they have police powers. The US Constitution does not grant police powers to the federal government. So if Maryland or Worcester County mandates vaccinations that is a legal function of their governor or legislature. If Joe Biden or the United States Congress mandates vaccinations then it is certainly an overstepping of their authorities.


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