Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Senator Carozza Recaps 2021 Legislative Special Session


(From the office of Senator Carozza)

The Maryland General Assembly met in a special session on December 6 through December 9 for a special session on redistricting. The members of the Maryland General Assembly were charged with passing a fair congressional redistricting map for Maryland. For the first several days, the Maryland Senate moved forward with overriding Governor Hogan’s public safety vetoes, which Senator Carozza voted to sustain and later took up highly-partisan redistricting maps passed by the entire legislature.

Partisan Gerrymandering

The Maryland Senate voted on the partisan Legislative Redistricting Advisory Commission’s proposed maps as opposed to the nonpartisan Maryland Citizens Redistricting Commission’s maps. While the citizens’ commission map received an A rating from the Princeton Gerrymandering Project, the legislature’s map received an F grade. The majority in the Maryland legislature rejected the transparent work of the Governor’s citizens redistricting commission and instead drew congressional districts even more gerrymandered in their favor than the ones drawn 10 years ago. 


The new First Congressional District takes the Eastern Shore across the Chesapeake Bay Bridge diminishing Shore representation with the domination of Anne Arundel County suburbs. During the Senate Floor debate, Senator Carozza noted that Marylanders have made clear that they do NOT want gerrymandered maps, yet the majority in the legislature is moving forward with a highly partisan map. Before the session, Senator Carozza talked to her Mom about the tough challenge of drawing new redistricting maps. “My Mom said to always be fair. That’s what Marylanders expect. We need to listen to the people of Maryland, who are demanding fair, equitable, and nonpartisan redistricting maps,” urged Senator Carozza during the Senate debate.

With the override of the Governor’s veto and passage of legislative maps, Senator Carozza said, “We can now expect intense legal battles over the redistricting maps with the courts having the final say. I will continue to fight for and support fair redistricting maps, and free and fair elections for Maryland.”

Governor Hogan’s Public Safety Vetoes Overridden


On the Senate Floor, Senator Carozza spoke out in support of the Governor’s vetoes of 2021 including sanctuary state legislation, House Bill 23, which will directly affect a facility in Snow Hill, MD that has been under contract since 1999 and community college legislation, House Bill 894 that will raise student tuition and fees. In her remarks on the Senate Floor, she said, “one size does not fit all. Our local correctional facilities should retain local control and have the discretion to determine if and how to engage in local agreements with Federal immigration agencies.”


Over the objections of the Senate Republican members, the legislature also voted to allow counties to raise their income tax, remove the Governor from parole decisions, and allow violent criminals to only serve a fraction of their prison sentences.


Additionally, Senator Carozza supported the Governor’s veto on House Bill 894 which establishes a uniform statewide collective bargaining process for community college employees. She said these unbudgeted costs will be a burden on students through tuition and fee increases and reduced programs and services.


In her comments regarding community colleges, Senator Carozza notes that community colleges are at the forefront of workforce development and they have stepped up during this time where we have extreme shortages in every major industry. “Their work has been made more difficult during this economic recovery of COVID-19 where we have extreme work shortages and a decreasing number of students. Collective bargaining at the community colleges should be a local decision, said Carozza.” Prior to the special session, Senator Carozza met with Wor-Wic Community College President, Dr. Ray Hoy, and board members to discuss the negative impact of this legislation on local students.


Governor’s Emergency Crime Bills


Senator Carozza joined the entire Senate Republican Caucus to petition to bring the Governor’s emergency crime bills to the Senate Floor. A violent crime crisis continues to plague the people of Maryland and they urged the Maryland General Assembly to take action now, during the special session to protect our constituents from repeat, violent criminals.

SB 5 The Judicial Transparency Act of 2021

Requires the Maryland State Commission on Criminal Sentencing Policy to publish sentencing records of judges in violent crime cases to hold the system more accountable to the public for sentencing decisions.

SB 6 Violent Firearms Offender Act of 2021

Significantly increases sentences for those who repeatedly illegally carry firearms and for convicted gang members who illegally possess guns.


Treasurer’s Election

On Thursday, December 9th, the Maryland General Assembly elected Delegate Dereck Davis from Prince George’s County to be Maryland’s next Treasurer succeeding Maryland’s long-time Treasurer, Nancy Kopp due to retirement. He additionally served as the Chair of the House Economic Matters Committee. The Board of Public Works consists of The Governor, Comptroller, and Treasurer to oversee Maryland’s finances.


Constituents in Annapolis

During the special session in Annapolis, Senator Carozza also met with physician assistants from the Shore including Brandon McCullen from Pittsville and Tim Sparta from Berlin. The shortage of providers and access to health care on the Eastern Shore continues to be a hardship especially given the aftermath of COVID-19. Last session, I worked with local health care representatives to pass major health access bills including Alcohol and Drug Counseling through Telehealth (SB 646) and Occupational Therapy Licensure Compact (SB 139). Senator Carozza will continue to work with the health professionals in her District to increase access on the Shore.


“Many of our districts are hard hit by health care workforce shortages, especially in the rural parts of the state. Our hospitals, schools, long-term care facilities, and community providers need more flexibility in recruiting qualified health care providers to provide both in-person and telehealth services, said Carozza.”


Senator Carozza also met with the leadership of the Professional Fire Fighters of Maryland including Melissa Bragg, 2nd Vice President and Ocean Pines Fire Department; Alyssa Clayville, Eastern Shore Representative; and Andrew Pantelis, 4th District Vice President. “We recognize your hardworking fire safety efforts to protect our home communities and look forward to working with you during the January session on your health, retirement, and work-shortage priorities,” said Carozza.


Looking Forward

As the 2022 session approaches Senator Carozza will continue to work with local leadership on difficult issues such as violent crime, healthcare shortages, job recruitment opportunities, and more. “I will continue to give it my all to see us through full COVID-19 recovery and encourage my constituents to continue to share your views with me. I am forever grateful to serve District 38 in the Maryland General Assembly and look forward to seeing you back home,” said Carozza.


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