Thursday, March 31, 2022

Black Eyed Susan woes

 (Salisbury Daily Times)

PPE Reader Comment:
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For anyone who cares to recall, I warned about this turkey and its unknown expense way back when Tom Perlozzo's girlfriend first tried to pawn it off on the taxpayers. Pocomoke residents can be thankful that Susan Marshall Harrison was smart enough to avoid this money pit.

I can't believe the Worcester County and the Town of Snow Hill would spend that much money on a vessel of this size without a proper marine survey.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:20:00 PM

    For anyone who cares to recall, I warned about this turkey and its unknown expense way back when Tom Perlozzo's girlfriend first tried to pawn it off on the taxpayers. Pocomoke residents can be thankful that Susan Marshall Harrison was smart enough to avoid this money pit.

    I can't believe the Worcester County and the Town of Snow Hill would spend that much money on a vessel of this size without a proper marine survey.


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