Monday, November 21, 2022

Crisfield fire


House Fire Near Crisfield Sparks Concerns After Several Recent Arsons

SOMERSET COUNTY, Md. - A new house fire investigation near Crisfield is stoking concerns among the community.

It is the fifth case in the area in just over two months for the Maryland State Fire Marshal's Office.

So far, four intentional fires have been set in Somerset County in just over two months.

The first happened at a home on September 11. The Fire Marshal says it was a one story home on Rehobeth Road.

Then on September 13, someone set a truck on fire at a home on Old State Road in Crisfield. 

Another truck at the same house was set on fire on October 2.

Then on October 9, an empty three story home on West Main Street in Crisfield was set on fire.

Investigators have not confirmed if these four fires are related.

Now, a fifth fire is on the radar of state fire officials.

A home on Calvary Road near Crisfield was set on fire on Sunday night.

Neighbor Allen Elder watched the fire from his home across the street. He didn't realize how bad it was until the sun rose.

"I came out to walk my dog and there was about 7 fire engines along the road. I didn't notice that that house had burned down until this morning," he said.

Jenny Beachy says she was the one who called the fire in to 9-1-1. 

"Like I said at first I heard a loud pop. To me I thought it was maybe just a kid playing with a gun," she said.

"I saw that the wind was going that way, blowing the smoke that way so it wasn't hitting us, but I was concerned about the houses over there," Beachy continued.

It remains unclear if this latest fire was intentionally set. Elder says he is living on edge.

"I'm really concerned, it could happen to anybody huh. I just hope it, you know doesn't happen to me. But I'm home most of the time plus I got a great watch dog," Elder said.

While Beachy takes some comfort in the hard work of firefighters.

"I'm like, firefighters are here, it's under control and I feel safe," she said.

It took 20 firefighters about 90 minutes to get the fire under control.

Neighbors say the home was vacant and under renovation.

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