Monday, February 6, 2023

Pocomoke Walmart incident Sunday


                                                   (file photo)

The Pocomoke City Walmart was closed for a while Sunday afternoon after Pocomoke police were called to the scene to respond to an incident of an undisclosed nature.  

(Shore Daily News report: Shoppers were told to evacuate the Pocomoke City Walmart Sunday afternoon.  They were also told to clear the area and leave their cars in the parking lot.   The Pocomoke City Police responded to the call at  approximately 2pm.)

After arriving on the scene a statement issued by the Pocomoke City Police Department stated that the incident "IS NOT an active shooter threat. Officers are on scene and are securing the area.   We are urging our citizens to stay away from the area until an all clear is given for everyone's safety. The Pocomoke City Police Department thanks our citizens for their patience."

Pocomoke police said in a later statement Sunday: "The incident at Walmart has been cleared and the police department would like to extend the "all clear" order to the citizens of Pocomoke. Within approximately the next hour, the Pocomoke City Walmart will re-open for business and citizens may continue to shop in safety and peace.

We thank our citizens for their patience and understanding during this incident."

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