Sunday, March 5, 2023

Time Machine: 100 years ago this week in the Pocomoke newspaper, 1940, 1892, 2007, 1910.


In considering whether to use the following two articles regarding the Ku Klux Klan we concluded that if we ignored these items we wouldn't be reflecting the times in which the local newspaper was published.  So read if you wish to; if you do, grimacing can't be avoided.  An editorial in this same edition didn't find fault with propositions advocated by the Klan but indicated concern that not enough details were put forth and that the public could adhere to principles it desired without the Klan's involvement. - The Pocomoke Public Eye

(Reader comment:)
Anonymous Anonymous said...

History is not something for you to ignore or change. It is what happened and, hopefully, is something from which we can learn what we did wrong or what we did right and can use to guide our lives in the future.

tk for PPE says: Obviously the two Klan articles were not straight forward factual news accounts and appeared to reflect the writer's (editor's?)sentiments interjected (i.e. "and certainly what the Klan stands for can be backed up by every good American"). Thus the reason, initially, for the consideration as to whether or not to use these articles.  


January, 1940

The News Journal (Wilmington)

November, 1892
Baltimore Sun

August, 1910
The Times Dispatch (Richmond, Va.)

August, 2007
Salisbury Daily Times

Radio memories-

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:41:00 AM

    History is not something for you to ignore or change. It is what happened and, hopefully, is something from which we can learn what we did wrong or what we did right and can use to guide our lives in the future.


All comments are the sole responsibility of the poster