Sunday, April 23, 2023

Time Machine: 100 years ago this week in Pocomoke's newspaper, 1943, 1989, 1935, 1979, 2002.


Note (article below): Declamation requires students to select a speech that was delivered in public and perform an excerpt of that speech to an audience.

(Article below- Cringe alert!) Is publishing allegations from a speaker who is soliciting financial contributions from those attending, and who is also selling a book, a legitimate news story for any section of the newspaper?  And this article was given top of the page front page placement.  Also, the article writer seems to be interjecting  personal opinion or gullibility as news.

(Article below) Racial characterizations were common during this era both in small town and large city newspapers.  Does this article stray from a factual news account to a hint of endorsing a sentence of constitutionally banned cruel and unusual punishment?  

September, 1943

(The circus in Crisfield that's mentioned in this article had a tie-in with an incident involving a future President of the United States.  It's explained in the item that follows this one.) 

Crisfield Times

April, 1989 

(George H.W. Bush)

Parade Magazine

October, 1935

Democratic Messenger

*March, 1979

Sunday Times (Salisbury)

*September, 2002

                                                                         Baltimore Sun
(Water covers the roads leading into and out of Snow Hill in Worcester County after heavy rains during the weekend.  More than 14 inches of rainfall were reported in the Lower Eastern Shore town between 10 p.m. Saturday and 3 p.m. Sunday.)

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