Thursday, June 1, 2023

June might be a fateful month for Snow Hill's Black Eyed Susan


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The Days of the Black Eyed Susan in Snow Hill Could be Nearing the End | Latest News |

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why was Tom Perlozzo ever employed in this county? Snow Hill is stuck with this loser of a boat because of Tom Perlozzo's desire to help his -------- out of a bind. Just last month Worcester County had to sell a portable ice rink at a loss of more than $30,000 because Tom Perlozzo Said it would be a good investment for the taxpayers. Over and over again local taxpayers have lost good tax money because Tom Perlozzo had a "friend" who needed to sell something that the County just couldn't do without.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:38:00 AM

    Why was Tom Perlozze ever employed in this county? Snow Hill is stuck with this loser of a boat because of Tom Perlozzo's desire to help his mistress out of a bind. Just last month Worcester County had to sell a portable ice rink at a loss of more than $30,000 because Tom Perlozzo Said it would be a good investment for the taxpayers. Over and over again local taxpayers have lost good tax money because Tom Perlozzo had a "friend" who needed to sell something that the County just couldn't do without.


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