Sunday, October 1, 2023

Time Machine: 100 years ago this week in Pocomoke's newspaper; 1980, 1899, 1942, 1989, and conclusion of feature series Long Ago But Not Far Away.


(end of excerpt)

Pocomoke Public Eye footnote:
Rev. Biking was an active supporter of prohibition and some news reports alluded to this in regard to the parsonage fire.  The reverend was a respected member of the Pocomoke community and in other charges he served during his later career, however note the news items below from the same era in which he received the commendation written about in the article:

December, 1980

Crisfield Times

June, 1899

Baltimore American

March, 1942

(Recent improvement constructed on the west side of the Pocomoke River bridge, designed to increase the safety and convenience of those who cross on foot.  The cut shows only half the walkway; it continues beyond the draw to the Somerset side.  This is a wise precaution of the State and cannot be otherwise but appreciated by those who have occasion to tread the boards.)
Worcester Democrat

January, 1989

Salisbury Daily Times


From a 1951 feature article in the Norfolk Virginian-Pilot.  The author, Leonora W. Wood, (1892-1989) wrote articles of regional historic interest for Virginia newspapers and authored "Guide To Virginia's Eastern Shore" in 1952.  She was an inspiration for the novel "Christy" written by her daughter Catherine Marshall, a well-known author.  Mrs. Wood's husband was a minister who had served Holmes Presbyterian Church in Cheriton.

(This week: Concluding excerpt #9 of nine:)

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