Tuesday, January 16, 2024

SCAM: "Panic Buttons"


 A local resident just advised us of a SCAM call that they received. The automated call said local police and fire departments are offering panic buttons to be installed in your home. The automated call said the installation is free and to hold on the line to talk to an operator so you can give them your name and address to set up an appointment.  This information is FALSE!  Local law enforcement and fire departments are NOT giving out panic buttons for your home.

     Be careful with unsolicited calls. Scammers often use urgency to pressure victims. Don’t answer calls from unknown or suspicious numbers. If the call is important, they will leave a voicemail. If you do answer the phone and something does not see right, hang up immediately. Don’t engage in conversations with suspicious callers.

     For more information on Phone Scams, click here:  https://consumer.ftc.gov/articles/phone-scams

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