Sunday, January 7, 2024

Time Machine: 100 years ago this week in Pocomoke's newspaper; 1990 mystery and concern; Pocomoke in the 1970's.


January, 1990

Mystery and concern.

It was 24-years ago in early January that the discovery of powerful homemade, but sophisticated, explosive devices in a ditch near Princess Anne created large concern for local, state, and federal authorities.

Was there an intended target for these explosives?

Who made them?

(Washington Post)
It was unclear how the materials were placed in the roadside ditch or to whom they belonged, officials said. They said it was too early to determine if the homemade bombs found in the chests could be linked to the Dec. 22 bombing of a state judge in Hagerstown, Md., or to bombings in the Southeast that killed an Alabama federal appeals court judge and a Georgia alderman.

In searching newspaper archives the last reference we could find regarding this incident was about six weeks later in which reference was made that the investigation was continuing.

December 30, 1979
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Salisbury Daily Times

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