Thursday, March 7, 2024

(Updated) Worcester commissioner head comments on law enforcement-Board of Ed squabble.

(Compiled from information reported on WMDT) 

During Tuesday's Worcester County Commissioners meeting President Chip Bertino called for accountability from law enforcement and the school system after noting that each accused the other of providing misleading statistics and abdicating responsibility.

“We got a lesson in semantics, in math, but I do hope that we find a resolution because regardless of what you call it, a violation takes place behind every one of those statistics that were identified last week,” Bertino said adding “You can call it a crime statistic, you can call it a referral. The bottom line is that we have kids in our  schools and teachers who are being intimidated.”

Pocomoke Public Eye note:  

A letter to the Board Of Education this week from the 14 Worcester County school principals supported the Board's position.

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