Tuesday, April 23, 2024

4/29 Pocomoke Mayor and Council Session

(City of Pocomoke Facebook)

The next scheduled meeting of the Mayor and Council will be a FY 2025 Budget Work Session to be held on April 29, 2024 at 6:30 PM.  A closed session will follow under the provisions of § 3-305(b) (1), whereupon the Mayor and Council will immediately entertain a vote to convene a closed session to discuss matters that the open meetings act permits to discuss in closed session to include the appointment, employment, assignment, promotion, discipline, demotion, compensation, removal, resignation or performance evaluation of appointee, employees or officials over whom it has jurisdiction; or any other personnel matter that affects one or more specific individuals.




City Hall Council Chambers

101 Clarke Avenue, Pocomoke City, Maryland 21851

April 29, 2024 6:30 p.m.

1. Continued Review of Fiscal Year 2025 Draft Budget

2. Adjournment

3. Closed Session under § 3-305(b)(1)

Agenda items may or may not be considered in sequence.  This agenda is subject to change to include the addition or deletion of items, including executive/closed session.

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