Tuesday, June 4, 2024

The Snow Hill silo fire-


(View video news story:)

Silo Roof Collapses After Fire Burns for Two Weeks | Latest News | wboc.com

Snow Hill Police Department

May 29 at 3:52 PM 

Traffic Notice!

Holly Court will remain closed while crews continue to remove the contents of the silo. Unfortunately, we have to remind those who may be driving in that area that the placement of the cones and Fire Truck are there for a reason and you are not permitted to enter Holly Court. You are also reminded that driving over the fire hoses is against the Maryland Traffic Code unless you have expressed permission from the Fire Officer/Chief on the scene.  The transfer station is not open.  We also ask that pedestrian traffic remain behind the barricades and do not venture onto the property. Every effort by our First Responders is focused on making the scene as safe as possible for the contractors and personnel on scene.

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