Showing posts with label Pocomoke city. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pocomoke city. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The New Pocomoke Restaurant - almost

Pocomoke City Restaurant

Pocomoke City, Maryland

May 31, 2012

I've lost count on which week we are on but I do remember I began taking photos in December 2011. The thought of this restaurant becoming a reality never seemed to phase me until about 2 weeks ago. Now, with every visit I get a little more nervous and anxious and find myself wanting to turn my camera over to the Councilman so I can pick up a broom.... just trying to tidy up hoping it would speed the process.

Doesn't work that way. But I can tell all of you that every visit now brings on bigger and better changes......and it won't be long now before something is being cooked in the kitchen and customers are seated either inside or out.

The walk in freezer has been installed and the kitchen has had the insulation tucked away, vents and all those odd looking things that I've seen hanging from the ceiling have all been put into their proper places and ceiled away with ceiling tiles. The kitchen walls have been finished.

Ceiling fans add a wonderful touch to the restaurant. Honestly you just can't imagine the beauty of the restaurant itself added to the beauty of the fact that it sits at the side of the Pocomoke River. Carpeting at one end of the restaurant and woodgrained flooring at the other. Some more hard workers and those who get the headaches from it all.......It has taken so many hands to bring this restaurant from an idea to a reality for Pocomoke City. Regardless of what the task was in the construction of the reastaurant each person played an important part in its beauty.
Kevin Sewell is a city employee as well. I have never seen this young man when he didn't have a smile on his face. (I'm sure he'd rather be on the dock with a fishing rod in his hand).

Supervisor of City Department Bill East and Pocomoke City Manager Russ Blake checking on the progress of the restaurant while the two young men below take a break from landscaping. Photos will never be able to actually show just what a masterpiece all of this area has become.

We simply can't forget that while history was being made for the restaurant in downtown Pocomoke the Skipjack Ida May was also making history also and was docked just outside the restaurant for a few days. This really gave the feeling (to those that didn't know) the restaurant must be open for business.
I leave you with these photos until the next time......

But I assure you it won't be long now..........

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Pocomoke City Mayor and Council Meeting

7:30 p.m., Tuesday, June 5, 2012
City Hall
  1. Call to Order, Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance.

2.  Review and approval of minutes from meeting of May 7, 2012.

3.  Review and approval of bills to be paid.

4.  Public Hearing on proposed City budget as required by Sec. 49 of Pocomoke City Charter.

5.  Constant Yield Tax Rate hearing on proposed tax rate for non-owner occupied properties.

6.  First Reading of Res. No. 461 to adopt the City budget for fiscal year 2012-2013.

7.  First Reading of Res. No. 462 to adopt the tax rates for various categories of real and personal property for fiscal year 2012-2013.

8.  First Reading of Res. No. 463 to adopt the schedule of fees and charges for fiscal year 2012-2013.

9.  Discuss letter from Mar Va Theater requesting abatement of taxes and water bills.

10.  Res. No. 464 to approve revised Enterprise Zone acreage and map (Emergency Resolution).

11.  Councilwoman Tracey Cottman to discuss proposed land use study being considered by members of the Tri-County Council concerning activities at the Patuxtant River Naval Air Station.

12.  City Attorney to present proposed Ord. No. 409  to regulate the types of furniture that may be placed on open porches and other areas for First Reading.

13.  City Manager and Water Superintendent Mike Phillips to propose purchase of used generator for Water Treatment Plant.

Comments from the Audience.

Mayor and Council Items.




Friday, June 1, 2012

More Vandalism

This just in from a Pocomoke Public Eye reader.

(Lack of respect for other people's property)

Vandalism ~ Pocomoke City & Local Virginia

Route 13- headed North and into Pocomoke ....
While on my way to Pocomoke City yesterday I found to city crew workers trying to decide how to remove the spray paint job left by  some brilliant fool a few hours before. 

This was in my email yesterday afternoon when I returned from Pocomoke.  Tom forwarded the photo to me that had been sent to him  from one or our readers.

Don't feel alone.....
Just a few miles down the road it seems creativity from the mindless has become popular.

I hate to see these types of things.  For one,  it makes me wonder and ask that age old question "Where are the parents?"  And then why would someone feel the need to deface anyone's property whether it's city, state or even something that belongs to a private citizen.

Look on....

Taken two  weeks ago but the sign gets shot at frequently.  Intersection- Neil  Parker Road & Horsey Road

The old Jenkins Bridge post office.  It's been closed for years and sits at the intersection of Saxis, Road and Wessels Farm Road next to the house that was burned by an arsonist late last summer.  Google NARC and it stands for just about anything.  I love this old building and would give anything is someone would just give it to me and move it to my yard.  Otherwise, it will just sit there until vandals finish with it.

Horsey Road/Virginia
Property of a farmer and cattle grower in the community.  A man that would do anything just about for anyone. 

Anyone have any idea as to who may be doing this in either area?  If so, I'm listening......

MarVa Theater This Weekend

Friday, June 1st
Saturday, June 2nd
7 PM

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Ecumenical Worship Service for Memorial Day

It was wonderful to see the citizens of Pocomoke City attending the Memorial Day Service that was held in Cypress Park on Monday May 28, 2012 at 9:00 AM.

This was the first Memorial Day Service that I can remember and I certainly hope more will follow.

Thank you to Councilman Rob Clarke for sharing his  photos.

The Rev. Dorthea S. Whittington welcomes the crowd

 Mayor Bruce Morrison addresses the citizens of Pocomoke City

Rev. Jeffrey T. Howard leads a prayer

2012 Memorial Day Speakers
left to right Rev. Sally Dolch, Rev. Dorthea Whittington, Rev. Jeffrey T.  Howard, Rev. George Tasker, Mayor Bruce Morrison

Saturday, May 26, 2012

"Thank A Veteran Night"

American Legion Post 93 In Pocomoke City
 will host
 "Thank A Veteran Night"

June  1, 2012
6 to 8 PM
Dinner prepared by the ladies auxiliary

Post Commander Arthur Bishop invites all veterans and citizens of Pocomoke City who want to thank our veterans to join him for dinner and fellowship.

A fellowship time after dinner will include remarks by Mayor Bruce Morrison. 

Tim Corkin will speak about his tour of duty as the helicopter pilot for president George  Bush.

For more information, call 410-957-2824. The Post is located at 2017 Bypass Road, Pocomoke City, Maryland.


Thursday, May 24, 2012

Pocomoke City Has New Police Officer

Pocomoke City Police Chief Kelvin Sewell introduced the towns newsest police officer to the Mayor and Council during their regular monthy meeting on April 9, 2012

Welcome to the Police Department and welcome to Pocomoke City Officer McGlotten.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

New Aquarist at the Delmarva Discovery Center ~ Sarah Rubin

A few days ago, while in Pocomoke,  I had the pleasure of meeting Sarah Rubin outside the Delmarva Discovery Center.  Sarah had only been on her new job as the new aquarist for the DDC for a few days.  She is such a lovely person to speak with and seems to be enjoying her new job.

Sarah was in Salisbury, Maryland on May 18 for Third Friday events.

The best of luck to you Sarah from all of us at the PPE.

The Great Pocomoke Fair ~ Seeking Entrants for Pageant


Junior Miss Pageant this year at the 2012 Fair!

Ages 10 to 13 are welcome. Must be from either Worcester, Somerset, Wicomico or Accomack county.

 See the rules and get a registration form at the fair's website:

 Prizes include a beautiful crown, embroidered sash, robe, trophy, gift cards and goodies, free rides at the fair, feature opportunities throughout the next year and more!

No talent required.

 Pageant will be Thursday, August 2nd at 8PM following the Little Miss & Mister pageant.

Registration deadline is July 28th.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Downtown Pocomoke City Restaurant


A walk-in freezer was installed last week at the new restaurant
in downtown Pocomoke City, Maryland.

The new restaurant is scheduled to open for business in June.

(Guess they were preparing for the approaching inclement weather)

All photos by jmmb