Showing posts with label political. Show all posts
Showing posts with label political. Show all posts

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Sheila Jackson Lee on her Cell Phone

Oh yeah! They are listening.... NOT!

Father of Cerebral Palsy Sufferer Tells Fox News He is Being Harrassed by "Thugs" of Pelosi, Hoyer, and Reid

Obama, sends out thugs to family with a handicapped son to threaten them Chi Town style.

Here is video of a Father, who confronted Democrat Rep. John Dingell last week at a Health Care Town Hall Event, talking about his experience with Fox News' Megyn Kelly.

The father, who has a son who suffers from Cerebral Palsy, said he and his family are being harassed now by what he called "thugs" of Government Health Care proponents:

"I want to address something to Ms. Pelosi, Mr. Hoyer - whatever his name is - and Mr. Reid. If you call my son "un-American" - your thugs already know where we live. We've had a visit from them - in the middle of the night. They can't come to us in the middle of the day, but they came to us in the middle of the night. You know where we live. I suggest you take that plane that you have and fly it to Michigan and say it directly to my son's face if you've got the guts."

He said he had reported the harassment to police, and is prepared to defend himself and his family if threatened.

He also cited a New York Post article from July 24 entitled, "Deadly Doctors," as one of the primary reasons for his great concern about how ObamaCare will impact his son and the nation.


Obama's Nazi Straw man: An Old Alinsky Trick

When I saw this video interview of Bill Burton, White House Deputy Press Secretary, I could not help but be reminded of one of old Saul Alinsky's favorite fake-em-out tricks of the revolutionary trade. Burton is reinforcing Pelosi's earlier claim that people were carrying Swastikas at townhalls, but goes even further and claims that folks are actually "dressing up like Hitler."

You got to give ole Saul a little credit. He was one wily deceiver, right after his hero, Deceiver in Spades, Lucifer.

Saul Alinsky, crusader for the downtrodden, darling of the Auxiliary Archbishop of Chicago, was just an underachieving nobody with neither guts nor moral code, who flummoxed a whole lot of willing-to-be-deceived power seekers. Saul Alinsky didn't invent a single new thing. His whole methodology, so widely-hailed by whole generations of leftists, could have been devised by any 12 year-old gang-style bully with half a brain and an ounce of charisma.

It's quite disheartening, now, to see the top echelons of the Democratic Party using Alinsky tactics in an attempt to freeze political dialogue, most especially when that dialogue is about the most intimate service we Americans procure for ourselves and our families: our medical care.

Nevertheless, they've decided to go at this whole hog, even if it means stripping off their dignity and parading their political bloomers right out in the public square.

When Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and now the president's own deputy press secretary conjure up images of Nazis at healthcare townhalls, they are engaging in one of the oldest tricks in anyone's book, but an especial favorite of their mentor, Saul Alinsky.

Alinsky himself employed this method, quite deviously. Alinsky biographer, Sanford D. Horwitt provides an anecdote using precisely this same diabolical tactic to deceive the people. From Horwitt's Let Them Call Me Rebel:

" the spring of 1972, at Tulane University...students asked Alinsky to help plan a protest of a scheduled speech by George H. W. Bush, then U.S. representative to the United Nations - a speech likely to include a defense of the Nixon administration's Vietnam War policies. The students told Alinsky they were thinking about picketing or disrupting Bush's address. That's the wrong approach, he rejoined, not very creative - and besides causing a disruption might get them thrown out of school. He told them, instead, to go to hear the speech dressed as members of the Ku Klux Klan, and whenever Bush said something in defense of the Vietnam War, they should cheer and wave placards reading, ‘The KKK supports Bush.' And that is what they did, with very successful, attention-getting results."

Planting major falsehoods has been a favorite Alinsky strategy from the start. His acolyte, Barack Obama, learned his Industrial Areas Foundation lessons on deceiving for power while on a side trip during his Harvard years, then taught the Alinsky power tactics at the University of Chicago.

Hardly qualifies as ‘Constitutional Law' if you ask me.

Covering for oneself by accusing the other fellow has been the left's most successful deception for decades now. It took on its best traction lately, as leftists within and others have used this Nazi smear tactic for the past eight years against George W. Bush. They've seen how well it's worked and just can't stop themselves now.

Here's a little hint from me on the Nazi card. If a few folks actually do start showing up at townhalls, opposing the MediCoup*, even dressed like Hitler and carrying a Swastika poster, I'll lay good hard cash on a bet that they've been sent by this Alinskyite President or his minions to deceive, just as Saul did with getting students to dress like the KKK at that rally back in the 70s.

And any newsman worth an ounce of table salt ought to be able to pin the tail right on that Alinsky donkey.


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Obama caught in another lie by the AARP

It looks as if the blue haired "mobs" have at least been heard by the very liberal group the AARP. This is exactly why the liberal demwits don't get it, they just do not understand that things must be cut to provide for others. IE: "spread the wealth"

AARP to Obama: No Health Plan Endorsement Yet

A group usually seen as one of Barack Obama's allies in the health care debate — AARP — says the president went too far Tuesday when he said the seniors lobby had endorsed the legislation pending in Congress.

AARP is sensitive to the issue because polls show that Medicare beneficiaries are worried their healthcare program will be cut to subsidize coverage for the uninsured.

At the town hall in Portsmouth, N.H., Obama said, "We have the AARP onboard because they know this is a good deal for our seniors." He added, "AARP would not be endorsing a bill if it was undermining Medicare."

But Tom Nelson, AARP's chief operating officer, said, "Indications that we have endorsed any of the major healthcare reform bills currently under consideration in Congress are inaccurate."

Like Obama, AARP wants action this year to cover the uninsured and restrain healthcare costs, but the organization has refrained from endorsing legislation. Nelson said AARP would not endorse a bill that reduces Medicare benefits.

A spokesman said the Medicare cuts that have been proposed so far would not affect benefits.


Peter Schiff Tries To Talk on The Nazi News Network MSNBC

Why would anyone as smart as Peter Schiff volunteer to be badgered and bulldozed by obnoxious Marxist morons like Lawrence O'Donnell?

This is exactly why liberals can't learn anything, the moonbat Lawrence O'Donnell wont let the poor man answer one question without rudely interrupting just as any moonbat is so much acustom too when they don't hear the answer that they want to hear.

Hussein Obama tells seniors "Take a pain killer"

obama says take a pill,
obama is treating the seniors like a worn-out used car.

in short obama says to patch it up until it dies.
what a POS we have for a POTUS.

If this obamacare farce passes (which I think it will) our elder loved-ones are in a heap of trouble. It's clear as coal-oil what obama is saying here.

Are the liberal democrats listening, but more importantly... do they even care?

Their 'messiah' has spoken so my guess is that they don't care, most neo-libs are of the younger generation and/or Jane Fonda baby boomers that don't like seniors to begin with.

Obama "Disinformation" on healthcare Lies all Lies

Here’s some more healthcare disinformation to forward to Comrade Obama’s snoops at

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Poll on Healthcare, obamacare

A very popular poll clearly shows that over 70% of the 'people' do not want obamacare. When will they realize they work for us?

Are you satisfied with the health insurance system in the U.S.?
Total Votes: 71,170

Do you support President Barack Obama's health plan?
I'm undecided
Total Votes: 77,456

Why did Bill Clinton Go to Korea and not Hillary?

If you watch this video the answer is simple. They did not want her there.

Pentagon: Congressional Jets Hurt Defense

The Pentagon is criticizing the House of Representative's request to upgrade Congress' air fleet -- and charge the cost to the Defense Department.

"It forces us to take money from things we do need to fund and redirect it for things we don't need," Geoff Morrell, a spokesman for Defense Secretary Robert Gates, told the Wall Street Journal. "And in a time of war, we just can't afford that. The bottom line is, for everything that they appropriate for us above and beyond what we've asked for, it will, at some point require us to find money from programs we do need."

Lawmakers slipped the request into the Pentagon's proposed budget for 2010, insisting that Congress' current fleet of executive jets is old and more expensive to operate that newer, more efficient planes. They also say lawmakers use the jets only 14.5 percent of the time, compared to 44 percent usage by military members.

President Barack Obama sent Congress a Pentagon budget of $640.1 billion, which the House adjusted and scaled back to $636.3 billion. During that process, members requested $550 million to purchase eight passenger jets. Obama originally sought only $220 million to buy four planes.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

President Obama Hung in Effigy?

Although in extremely poor taste I have not read a word about Obama being hung in effigy until today. I came across this picture of the President hung in effigy.

I know we have a freedom of speech and these things fall into that category but that does not excuse the symbolism of hanging anyone in effigy.

I dislike the policies of the left and our President is a radical liberal that attended church with a racist preacher (Rev. Wright) and they both have deep seeded roots of the hatred of the white race even though the POTUS's mother was white he explains his (Obama) hatred of the white race very clearly in his first book.

Impeach him? YES, hang him? (even in effigy) NOPE. It's a respect/moral thing. Even the left has morals for the likes of hanging in effigy.


'Nazi' Keith Olberman calls concerned seniors "Political Terrorist"

It amazes me that the liberal left actually think this Nazi, Olberman, is real MSM.
This is the guy that went to a baseball game when his own mother passed away, then lied about it until a picture of him at the game surfaced then he made all kinds of excuses including, that was his way of dealing with his mothers death.

The Godless Nazi Olberman and his colleague Rachael Madcow will say or do anything to tear this nation down and the liberal brain dead follow their lead.

Lets review this clip of Nazi Olberman.

Did you watch it?

1st, Olberman says, the "minority" (conservatives) "act out in anger" well, Mr Nazi Olberman... it's the left that are "acting out in anger" as the more intelligent people of this great nation peacefully protest.

2nd, Olberman calls the people that appose the Hussein healthcare bill terrorist. Again, there's the Nazi Olbermans double standard. It was the left that portrayed Bush as Hitler, Bush as Hitler was published on the cover of a popular left wing magazine. Nazi Olberman has stooped to a new low, MSNBC will not even call the terrorist (radical Islam) by the label "terrorist" but they have no problem calling anyone that opposes their messiah mostly senior citizens "terrorist"

3rd, Nazi Olberman says republicans call this a "death panel" again, a spin of loony liberal talking points taken out of context.

4th Nazi Olberman talks about the arrest of the unruly crowd of a couple people at a protest, what he lacks to tell you is they people arrested were liberal union democrat thugs that attacked people with opposing views.

5th, Nazi Olberman for some reason thinks that the guy with the Blue cross/Blue shield shirt for some reason needs to hide the fact that he works for a insurance company. Nazi Olberman must be a mind reader to know where this guy works, even if he does work for BC/BS so what? That's like thinking that a mechanic that works for GM is controlling the people to vote for a bailout. Then Nazi Olberman goes on to say the guy is stupid. There's that liberal double standard again.

5th, Nazi Olberman then states that Heather Blish is lying about not being affiliated with the Republican party, Hey Nazi Olberman... she said she was in the past, then you confirm that but deny it. We are in the 8th month of 2009, so maybe she should have counted the days and hours since her affiliation HUH?

6th, Nazi Olberman says the protesters believe the bill supports "forced euthanasia" but not once do you hear anyone say that word. On the other hand it is obvious to anyone with 1/2 a brain cell that the Godless Nazi Olberman is using his own personal double standard now..He calls the peaceful speaker "a meth addict" and after all did he unplug his mother, then go to a baseball game to enjoy the rest of the week?

7th, Nazi Olberman brings in the ultra liberal Johnathan Alter and supports his (olbermans) agenda by trying to brainwash his viewers into believing this "forced euthanasia" bull crap again. Taking a Palin quote out of context and calling the ex-governor of Alaska "stoned" then he corrects that by saying "that would be an insult to stoner's" whaaaat?? is that that ugly radical neo-liberal double standard again?

That's a short synopsis of the leader of the loony lefts talking head Nazi Olberman way of thinking and his brainwashing techniques. Thankfully most of the left do not have enough brain to wash by the likes of that hypocrite, Godless Nazi Olberman.

Thank goodness that Bill O'Rielly Fox News(even though he leans a bit left of center) beats the pants off MSNBC's Countdown by about 100 to 1 viewers.
Why is it Nazi Olberman and His lesbo buddy Rachael MadCow never talk about the owner of NBC and that is .....GE, that's right, one of the largest energy using, polluting, carbon emitting etc. etc. companies (in Nazi Olbermans words) IN...THE... WOOOOORLD..... a lot of GE's plants are still non-union LOL.

Lobbyists Paid $1 Million to Honor Obama

Lobbyists and special interests spent more than $1 million during the first half of this year to honor an individual seen as critical of the lobbying industry: President Barack Obama.

During the presidential campaign, Obama said he would not accept contributions from lobbyists and vowed that "they won't find a job in my White House."

On his first day in office, Obama drafted an executive order limiting his hiring of lobbyists, and strengthened a ban on lobbyists' gifts to executive officials, The Hill newspaper reported.

But lobbying organizations and corporations paid for festivities surrounding Obama's inauguration and for events taking place after he entered the White House. Ford Motor Co., for example, spent $105,000 to help sponsor the NAACP's convention in July. Obama spoke at the annual affair.

Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, a key player in the healthcare reform process, gave $20,000 to the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation in honor of Obama.

Recently released records required under ethics laws show that trade associations, companies and individual lobbyists spent more than $495,000 in honor of Obama, his wife Michelle, and Vice President Joe Biden.

Firms and lobbyists also reported spending more than $700,000 on events surrounding the inauguration, according to The Hill, which noted, "Only the entities and individuals registered to lobby have to file a disclosure report, which means the total amount companies spent on the inauguration and other events could be much higher."

Lobbyists have been flush with cash to spend on such events. As the Insider Report disclosed two weeks ago, lobbying firms filed reports showing that some enjoyed sharply increased earnings in the first half of 2009.

Illegals Cost $11 Billion a Year for Healthcare

The cost of providing illegal aliens with medical care amounts to nearly $11 billion a year — and that expense is not expected to go away if a healthcare insurance reform bill is passed.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told CNN's John King recently that illegal immigrants would not be covered under the reform being pushed by Democrats.

King asked, "And so what happens to a public hospital if they walk into the emergency room?"

Pelosi responded: "I do know that the law requires that if somebody comes in off the street and needs care, that is extended.

"What we see in this legislation is that people will have access to affordable healthcare, and it will diminish the number of people going into those private, public hospitals in the manner in which you described."

That statement makes little sense in light of Pelosi's assertion that illegals would not be covered, since in that case they would not be any less likely to seek care in an emergency room.

The Federation for American Immigration Reform's Director of Special Projects Jack Martin told that illegal immigrants cost federal and state governments an estimated $10.7 billion a year in healthcare spending, including the cost of so-called "anchor babies" — children born to illegal immigrant parents in U.S. hospitals.

Those babies are technically U.S. citizens, but Martin pointed out that taxpayers would never have had to pay their mothers' medical bills if they had not entered the U.S. illegally.

Each anchor baby costs taxpayers about $10,000 on average, according to Martin, and these costs are paid through Medicaid.

The cost of emergency room care for adults is borne primarily by the states. Martin calculated that states pay a total of nearly $7 billion a year on healthcare for their illegal immigrants.

A study by the Center for Immigration Studies came up with a similar figure.

President Barack Obama, as well as Pelosi, has said illegal aliens won't be covered by a healthcare reform plan.

But on July 17, Democrats successfully defeated a Republican-backed amendment, offered by Rep. Dean Heller of Nevada, that would have prevented illegal aliens from receiving government-subsidized healthcare under the proposed plan backed by House Democrats and Obama.

The House Ways and Means Committee nixed the Heller amendment by a 26-to-15 vote along straight party lines.

Obama Under Attack by Jewish Coalition Over Medal Nominee

The Republican Jewish Coalition has issued a statement criticizing President Barack Obama's decision to award the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Mary Robinson.

Robinson, president of Ireland from 1990 to 1997, served as United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and was secretary-general of the 2001 World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance in Durban, South Africa.

"Mary Robinson, who was one of the people responsible for the 2001 Durban conference against racism descending into an anti-Israel propaganda forum, is not an appropriate recipient for one of our nation's highest honors," said Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) Executive Director Matt Brooks in the statement.

"In fact, awarding the Medal of Freedom to Mary Robinson does great dishonor to the many outstanding men and women who have received it in the past."

The U.S. withdrew from the Durban conference in protest of its staunchly anti-Israeli and anti-Semitic declarations. Secretary of State Colin Powell said at the time: "I know that you do not combat racism by conferences that produce declarations containing hateful language, some of which is a throwback to the days of 'Zionism equals racism'; or supports the idea that we have made too much of the Holocaust; or suggests that apartheid exists in Israel; or that singles out only one country in the world, Israel, for censure and abuse."

Brooks said, "We're troubled that the White House chooses to minimize the very real controversy about Mary Robinson. It's wrong for the United States to honor someone who led a meeting that our nation boycotted.

"She had the opportunity to fight for good — by resisting the effort to turn the Durban conference into a swamp of anti-Semitic and anti-Israel propaganda. She not only failed to resist it, she facilitated it. That President Obama wishes to honor Mary Robinson in this way is profoundly disturbing."

In announcing that Robinson, now a professor at Columbia University, would receive the medal along with 15 others on Aug. 12, White House spokesman Tommy Vietor said: "Mary Robinson has dedicated her career to human rights . . . As with any public figure, we don't necessarily agree with every statement she has ever made, but it's clear that she has been an agent of change and a fighter for good."

Past recipients of the Medal of Freedom include Rosa Parks, Jeane Kirkpatrick, Elie Wiesel, Mother Teresa, Simon Wiesenthal, Natan Sharansky, Tony Blair, and Margaret Thatcher.

The RJC statement also noted that in April 2002, Robinson's U.N. commission voted to condone suicide bombings as a legitimate means to establish a Palestinian state.