Saturday, June 13, 2009

Corruption in NJ continues for distraught family (update)

From a recent email by the family in NJ that are desperately fighting for their War Veteran father that the snakes in the NJ government seam to think they need/want this hero's land more than the family that worked and fought for the right and freedom to property, they have advised me that it's not looking good finding an attorney that will even consider going up against the mafia NJ government.

Anyone that possibly has any connections or friends that know the system this family needs our help. If nothing else post this story all over the internet. This is one of the most disturbing things I have seen in awhile but not surprising

original post below;

How far up does Government Corruption go in New Jersey? Does it reach up to the Senate? The Governor? Who is it that oversees the Office for the Public Guardian?

Dear, Americans! Help!

My Father, a Vietnam Vet with a purple heart, is having his estate stolen by New Jersey’s Government Courts.

I am begging for your help on behalf of a Vietnam Vet who did three tours of duty and earned a purple heart. He is currently being robbed by the Office for the Public Guardian in Ocean County NJ

His name is Vincent Stanley Blasco and he is my Dad. He has Alzheimer’s and is in their care where they refuse to give any of his 3 children here in Georgia custody of him. Instead they continue to sell off dozens of plots of my Dad’s property and continue hiding thousands and thousands of dollars in false expenses. Now they are trying to sale his 19 acre farm off East Veterans Hwy.

The courts have allowed OPG to already sale 7 properties of his in Berkley NJ and they claimed it was for medical bills. We received accounting after 4 years of requests only to find out my dad by himself racked up $800 per month in Grocery bills, $2,000 a month in landscaping bills. $500 per day about 3 days a week in Home Depot bills, etc... I have a stack of accounting 2 inches thick of frivolous spending.

I am contacting News Agencies or whatever it takes to get this to quit. We deserve to have our father in Georgia where all 3 of his children live. Not tucked away in a nursing home in NJ to have his Army Pension and Social Security bilked as his farm goes on the market to cover thousands of bogus expenses and invented expenses

I found out second hand, through my sister, Amy Ferguson, that my father, Vincent Stanley Blasco, had been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. By the time I found out, my father had already been placed in the care of OPG and we all assumed he was being taken care of. Well it was only after a trip up there that we started to wonder.

When Megan (employee of OPG) did call she told Amy Ferguson (my sister) and me that because they (OPG) were the guardians that all medical information on dad had to be retrieved through them (OPG) and any information on dad’s status would be reported to them only per the guardianship papers. They (OPG) told us that with any change in condition they would notify us. We had to call them consistently as they would never return our phone calls or give us any health updates, we repeatedly asked if we can get him in a home down here, could we get custody, could we email him? They told us they shut down his email and as far as transfer of Guardianship, they told us no! We are my fathers children, how can they say no?

The OPG recently went to court in Ocean County in front of Judge John Peterson to try to sale my dad’s 19 acres farm in Ocean County.

My older brother Joseph Stanley Blasco hired an Attorney (Olszak & Olsazk) to contest the sale.

We reside in the state of Georgia and had his attorney appear for us.

The OPG claimed not only that they had kept us well informed of my Dad’s health, but also his financial transactions. IN COURT BEFORE JUDGE PETERSON they also said Dad’s farm had been ON THE MARKET for 2 years already. How can they even place my dad’s farm on the market without notifying his children?

Why have we not been notified that Dad’s farm was for sale until 2 years after it went on the market? Because in front of a Judge it is easier to get permission to sell his property WITH a buyer on stand by.

OPG told the judge that we were well aware of the farm being on the market. Bull Crap!

WHAT HAPPENED? Read the complete story HERE

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