Thursday, June 18, 2009

Mayor Breaks Up Fight, Calls Kid 'Fatso'

No, it wasn't here in Pocomoke.

Online video shows an Ohio mayor who was biking through a city park step into a fight to break it up, yelling at the teens and calling one a "fatso."
A video posted on YouTube shows 70-year-old Toledo Mayor Carty Finkbeiner wading into the midst of about 20 young people.

He is heard yelling, "Come here, fatso" and "Tubby, get your butt out of here."
The mayor's spokeswoman says Finkbeiner was alone in late May, saw the highly charged situation and took action to stop it.
It's not the first time Finkbeiner has stepped in to keep the peace.
He once chased down a motorist who had driven through a red light and gave the driver a citizen's complaint.

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