Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Remember the 29 - 21?

Remember the post in which the man had 21 kids at age 29?

here's the outcome of his support hearing.

A man aged 29 has fathered 21 children with 11 different women, it emerged yesterday.
Desmond Hatchett’s brood came to light after authorities in Tennessee in the U.S. took him to court for non-payment of child support.
He has apparently set a U.S. record but said: ‘It just happened.’
Hatchett, who earns a minimal wage, told TV reporters he knows the names and ages of all his offspring.
Their ages range from newborn to 11 years old.
Authorities in Knoxville said they plan to take half of his monthly salary to pay for the youngsters but officials said that would work out to just over [$1.61] a week for each.
His lawyer Keith Pope said: ‘The children can’t all be supported by Desmond, so the state of Tennessee has had to step in.’Many Knoxville residents called for him to be castrated.
He even boasted of fathering four children by different women in the same year…” (source)
I have to wonder what the staunchest Libertarian, or the Cato Institute, would say about this… How many kids do taxpayers foot the bill for before those taxpayers get a say? This is disgusting


  1. "Many Knoxville residents called for him to be castrated."

    I should say so!!! Crazy!!!

  2. a dollar and a half wont go far.

    this is an example of why the state should MAKE people pay toward assistance.

    he should be made to get a second job and pay the state every penny back for those kids health insurance, food stamps, school, etc.
    well maybe not made to get a second job, just every thing he makes on the first job so he's forced to get a second then attach all but living expense's from that one.Our system encourages the way it's set-up irresponsibility and entitle(ism)


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