Friday, June 5, 2009

Student Busted a Fish Tank at Pocomoke High by a Thrown Rock

Today at Pocomoke High school a student threw a rock that busted a 55 gallon fish tank in the marine biology room.
A junior student picked up a rock that had previously been inside the fish tank and was removed for cleaning. the student threw the rock at another student missing his target. The rock missed and struck the 55 gallon fish tank full of water and fish and busted the tank.
Water and fish went everywhere of course, the water destroyed a school laptop and others personal belongings, notes school papers etc.
It took students and school employees over 2 hours to clean up the flooded classroom and the health of the fish are not known at this time.


  1. Anonymous10:01:00 AM

    OH MY! Do you suppose this is the same fish tank that was in Mr. Nelson Jester's science class/homeroom many years ago?

  2. The tank is located in Chris Miles classroom.
    I do not know how old the tank is.


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