Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Will People Ever Come Together and Say Enough is Enough?

RE; My previous post on Are There Any Doctors that Actually will Listen? CLICK HERE

Why do people just sit back and put up with these types of controlling events to happen? Well not me and I will do all i can to have this kind of thing abolished, it's comes down to one and only one thing. Nanny government control of our personal lives.

The document mentioned in the article linked above can very easily be re-worded and I would gladly sign it and encourage everyone else to do so also. If they would simply ask that the patient purchase their medication at a single pharmacy and that under penalty of law that the patient not distribute their medication to anyone other than themselves and/or attempt to acquire more of the same medication from any other physician.

The problem lies in that nanny government our the physician himself does not trust that their patient and feels the need to an invasion of privacy. Privacy is something that all physicians are supposed to hold at the very highest standard.

This is only a step in the direction of nanny government inflicting their power in the private medical practice. I could rant on and on forever about what this simple "contract" between the patient and Doctor requiring the patient to sign this "contract" so as to subject a patient to a random piss test anytime the government, the insurance company, or the Doctor so desires. The big question is why?

Look at the people on welfare. I think before the government starts worrying about if a sick person is actually taking their medicine how about checking welfare recipients via random piss test to see if they are using drugs? OR even alcohol for that matter.

So the next time you at the Doctor and they bring out the contract please make sure you read it. If it requires you to be subjected to a random piss test... refuse to sign it until it's re-worded.

My guess is that y'all think I'm nuts for not being able to have my pain medication prescribed because of a paragraph in a "contract" and I may very well be, but I'm standing up for you and your children with or without the help of others. Oh I'm going to be hurting in a few days but I will do everything in my power to have this violation of your privacy re-worded or dismissed all together.

I hope you're with me. Today it's a nanny government piss test contract for medication, tomorrow it's a piss test to see if your cholesterol is ok so you can buy a cheese burger.

Enough is enough.

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