Friday, July 24, 2009

"The Nutty Professor" and the liberal race card

The arrest of the nutty professor and 'friend' of hussein obama that said the police officer "acted stupidly" is just another opportunity to shove the 'race card' down our throats. This arrest was not a racial profiling arrest like the loony left want to think, the officer was doing his job.

The liberals loons can't see past the fact that this was a white cop and a black professor and friend of their 'messiah' that would not cooperate with the officer. The nutty professor did not get arrested for a B&E, he was arrested for disorderly conduct. He should have had obstruction and hindering added to that charge.

Had the scenario played out like this all would have been fine, but instead the nutty professor had the race card in his hand as soon as he saw a white cop.

This officer wrote a very detailed report. This professor should hang his head in shame for this behavior. This incident could have been completely avoided if the by the following dialog.

stupid professor: "hello officer how can I help your today?

Officer "Yes sir I got a call about someone breaking in to the residence"

stupid professor "oh no that was me, you see my door is broke and I had to pry it open"

Officer "oh ok well do you have your license so I can just determine who you are and your residence"

Stupid professor "oh sure, here you go."

Officer "Oh thank you Mr. Stupid professor sorry for the inconvenience and have a good day"

Officer keying up mike "I will be clear it was the homeowner entering his house......10-8"

Instead we get the self-righteous, radical, black extremist and racist response ....hereHenry Louis Gates, Jr. Police Report - July 23, 2009

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