Monday, July 6, 2009

Politician Calls Jackson a 'Pedophile'

In an attempt to raise awareness about the unrecognized efforts of U.S. teachers, police officers, veterans and volunteers, New York congressman Peter King decided to rip Michael Jackson apart in his latest YouTube video. King takes a swift jab at society for putting Jackson on a pedestal, calling the singer a "low life" and "child molester."
"There is nothing good about this guy. He may have been a good singer and did some dancing, but the bottom line is would you let your child or grandchild be in the same room as Michael Jackson?" King said.

The Republican congressman believes that the media is to blame for the "day in and day out" coverage of Jackson's death and is "too politically correct."
"Let's knock out the psycho babble. He was a pervert. He was a pedophile... No one wants to stand up and say, 'We don't need Michael Jackson,'" King said.
Adding that there are Americans dying every day in Afghanistan, King says our society should be spending more time focusing on the true heroes and less on Jackson. "What are we glorifying him for? ...We shouldn't be glorying some pervert," he said.


  1. Anonymous8:03:00 PM

    I have to agree with the congressman. Whoopi Goldberg did say she would leave her grandchild alone with Jackson. Al Sharpton compared him to Elvis and other great white artists that have gone before...........nevering mentioning Ray Charles,........etc.

    What I think about is the enourmous amount of drugs in that home and 3 children living there. Society blasts the everyday parents that keep a bar in their home yet Jackson can keep anything his money can buy and that is ok.

    Television stations are running the service tomorrow and bouncing normal daily shows all around. Would they do that for a president? I remember when President Reagan died and WBOC cut the funeral off at 12:00 for news. Tomorrow should be interesting..........but you will have to let me know. I have plenty of music to listen to and books to read...........might even go to the beach.

    Guess California will go broke now.


  2. No one can deny that the man made amazing, timeless music. Hopefully in death, his music will be liberated and freed from the weirdness that was his life.

    What old people (any one over 40) don't realize is that he is the Elvis of our generation. And he was even more popular than Elvis in a worldwide sense. All the tributes are fitting.

    This congressman is scum for trying to score cheap political points off of Michael's death. He should just say the man had some good music and leave it there, that what he would do if he were a respectful person.


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