Monday, August 31, 2009

Christine Sheddy, where was the law enforcement?

What is going on in our justice system?

Let’s discuss the missing Christine Sheddy case missing since Nov. 13 2007 almost 2 years now. At the beginning the LE’s thought that Christine may have just wondered off of the Farm @ 2911 Byrd Rd. or that she simply [ran away from it all] leaving her 2 young children behind with a group of deranged drunks and druggies.

I understand that the policy of LE that a person must be missing for 24 hours before they are declared “a missing person” but to think a mother of 3 that had 2 of her youngest with her (I think they were 2 and 4 at the time) would just “run away” and that the LE didn’t really start an official “missing persons” search until what I understand was 2 weeks after she went missing is just disheartening.

There was hardly any press, the residents of the farm packed-up and high-tailed, - their neighbors lived in such fear they had to hire 24/7 personal security and install surveillance equipment after being burglarized, and vandalized by their dearest neighbors with a wrap sheet as long as their lane at that now infamous ‘farm house’.

Why wasn’t the LE allover these people? Why did our local LE not take this serious until 2 weeks later? Why did our local LE not ask for the help of the FBI? Why did our local LE refuse the aid of our now VP Joe Biden? The list of these why did our local LE not, is endless.

I know for a fact that some of the best officers of the Wor. County Sheriffs office were put on this case but were tied to only what their superiors would allow them to do or how in-depth and how much time they allotted to do it.

Christine’s mom has not given-up though; the people of Pocomoke have not given-up, people from other states have gotten involved thanks to the PocomokeTattler and other blogs.

Fast forward; Someone found an organization that helps find missing persons that took-on Christine’s case a week or so into August, now only a couple weeks into this case more has been done to find Christine and bring those to justice that had a hand in her disappearance.

The BlinkOnCrime team has no local knowledge; they don’t have the resources of the WCBI but have uncovered more in a couple weeks than our local authorities, why?

I have so many questions with no answers but most importantly, where does this leave us if find ourselves or a loved-one in this same situation?

I just don’t get it. Some of the things I have heard, seen posted, and read that the Mayor and some of the LEO’s have said about Christine is very disturbing to say the least, and extremely unprofessional, not to mention heartless.

Hopefully now that things are coming out and as the story breaks our LE is working with the BlinkOnCrime team.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not knocking our LE, just a few members of them that can and does control what their officers do. This should not have been taken so lightly from the start, and that is what I think it’s all about. I really think that our LE knew they dropped the ball from the get-go so as to not look bad they just thought this would go away.

It’s not like our LE departments are swamped with missing persons or murder and frankly there’s absolutely no excuse for the lack of investigation in this case and someone or more than one should be held accountable in the end.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:00:00 AM

    BlinkonCrime is just a blog....nothing more.


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