Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Help Find Missing Mother Christine Sheddy

The Mother of 3 young children Christine Sheddy that seamed to just vanish without a trace on November 12th 2007 from a farmhouse @ 2911 Byrd Rd in Pocomoke city Maryland has finally gained national attention after being all but swept under the rug by local authorities.

I have no doubts now that this case will be solved and and those that were at the Farmhouse on that faithful night will be brought to justice, I surely would not want to be the last to talk with BLINK on their tail.

The pouring in of information and attention from BLINKONCRIME and the SCARED MONKEYS forum will surely bring too light those that are involved AND those that dropped the ball early on in this case gone cold.

If any of the players get wind of what's happening, now is the time to come forward before you take all the heat and do time that you might not deserve because the others rat you out first. Do the right thing and turn yourself in today and make a deal. Or remember the one important rule... "don't drop the soap" because you know your buddys are going to sing like a ... well... like a jailbird.

Christine's family deserves closure NOT the remarks of deflamating authorities that said things like "she's a sponge on society" or "it's not worth my time" (you know who you are)

Soooo... to all those involved, read this very closely... now that there is BLINKONCRIME and SCAREDMONKEYS on this case and countless blogs that reach millions of people it's no longer a matter of what, where, and how, or who you know... it's only a matter of when. This cold case is now boiling HOT.

For those that would like to refresh your memories, or those that want to get on board with helping find Christine please visit;




For a search of all the blogs and forums that are closely following this case I have taken the liberty to find the search words that give the most results.

Click HERE to begin or HERE to begin you own custom search.

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