Friday, August 21, 2009

Liberal Moonbats gone wild, Astroturfing Tools Versus Grassroots Patriots

Ahh yes, even if theses videos had only sound it would be sooo simple to distinguish between the liberal 'moonbats' and those that have at least 1/2 of a brain cell. Moonbats gone wild.

Although the liberal, obama run media, continually spouts that the opposition of the health care (obamacare) bill that no one has taken the time to read are "astroturfers" it's very clear to anyone that pays even the slightest attention that the "astroturfers" are clearly the liberal moonbats that have been organized through emails etc. and even paid to attend these protest. How can the POTUS legally pay people to protest to push his agenda?

A study in contrasts outside Senator Dianne Feinstein's LA office last Friday:

Part II


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