Wednesday, August 5, 2009

A Patriotic American; letter to the President

Obama wants the American Peoples email? For me he isn't asking the American people to email the right topics. Read this:

Dear Mr. President,



Please be advised, Sir, that Americans today are quite competent citizens. I, as an American citizen,

resent the fact that you want to view what comes into my own private email.

. Please know, Sir, that I have the capability to delete such nonsense. Does casual

conversation through email mean that if a friend and I email each other about your

socialistic health care idea that someone is free to send it to you? What will you do with

it? And why do you care?

Here is a news flash, Mr. President, I do not need your socialistic health care. And many

Americans don't want it or need it. What part of NO don't you understand?



Mr. President, there are so many other things that need your attention besides Americans

private email. Why not let the citizens email the White House if they suspect terrorist

activities in their neighborhood? Or how about the small communities across America

that have city leaders (mayors, city managers, police officers) that don't give a darn about

the good citizens of those communities? Could you set up an email address for that?

And while your aides are reading emails how about another address so citizens across

American can keep you abreast of the drug deals going down in their towns? Or children

and adults that are lost?

Please stop wasting Americas time with your health care!

And while I am here let me suggest to you that instead of giving the car dealers the

money they have requested, take that money and divide it among those people that

helped build those cars and have been laid off! How can we buy cars when a nation such

as ours is in such an uproar? I like my old klunker of a car. Yes, we can afford to buy

another that is efficient and brand new. So why don't we? Because it has to be paid

for, Mr. President. Alot of Americans are afraid they will lose their jobs.

America is broken, Mr. President. America is crumbling into pieces right before my

eyes. It makes me sick when those that don't have get handed food while I, myself, check

prices before I buy. It makes me sick when I hear that there are more taxes to be

paid on sodas, cigarettes, alcohol and anything else you can tax. When will it end?

Before you "repair" us Americans one by one you need to "repair" America as a

whole. Put Americans back to work at their original jobs. They don't want jobs brewed

up by the government. They want the jobs that were taken away from them. Put the

lazy Americans that won't work to work in your programs. Let them earn their keep

for a change to ease the burden of those that are fortunate to still have their jobs.

To be honest, alot of Americans don't want your government health care. They fear

socialism. They fear the loss of so many freedoms and the one freedom that is

so dear is "the right to choose". In the long run this will be taken away from us.

Thankyou for taking the time to read this (or have it read by someone). And have

a blessed day, Sir.


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