Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Banned From ScaredMonkys.com

Well folks the real truth IS raring it's head just as we said.

We will uncover bits and pieces until it's all on the table.

I replied to a post on scaredmonkeys today because someone said that Homegrown and I were one and the same. I was nice and I let them know that Homegrown did live here in Pocomoke, but I assured them that we were different people.

Now these are the mighty righteous that came here and the tattler and bash or town and it's people and preach that THEY are nothing but all about Christine. I don't think anyone here has ever said anything but good about Christine and family yet they are determined to plant that seed, something else that will come out in the wash.

Later I went back just to read and I have been banned. Why? Read-on.

The message that I received when I went to log-on said

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An Error Has Occurred!
Sorry Public Eye, you are banned from using this forum!
For talking bad about Blink

Hmmm? I never talked bad about Blink on SM, I'm not sure I have here.

But I also see now that I'm guilty by association, and that I was banned for allowing new friends to this blog, so SM wants to dictate my friends and who I can associate with across the internet... yeah that's good caring folks alright.

That also tells me that on SM they must assume that if a person is killed by their associate that they must be as guilty as the murderer in their eyes at SM, I'm not assuming here, that is clearly what the owner of the forum said [quote] "Public Eye has been banned from SM. Any friend of XXXXX is no friend of mine." [unquote]

And a warning to the scaredmonkeys visitors, when I made my last post there today, one of the stupid pop-us gave me a virus. Trend Micro picked it up but I still got a Virus from their site.

Oh and BTW. has anyone besides me noticed that everything, everyone was just fine and dandy until one person was injected into this? After that... well we are now traitors, cheats, liars that use multiple screen names, "inbreed hillbilly's"


  1. Anonymous8:07:00 AM

    Oh , so you were banned from Scared Monkey's. I'm sure you were awake all night worrying.

  2. Anonymous9:01:00 AM

    Oh well, it's their loss. As you all can see, this has nothing to do with finding Christine Sheddy. It has to do with the thin skinned invetigative journalist who thinks someone may or may not have talked bad about her.

    SM's response to you Public Eye is just a conformation of what Blink is really about.

  3. Anonymous11:55:00 AM

    I agreed, their loss. Seems as if Blink is running scared.

  4. Anonymous1:03:00 PM

    Guilt by assocation. Interesting concept. I take it that is only acceptable for the living? I will make a note of that. *eyes rolling*

  5. I does not bother me at all..
    what it does do is just prove what I have been trying to say almost from the start of all the mess.

    And that is, they do NOT want too much info to fast, they want it timed to fit a story-line.

    It seams that they are more interested in ME than they are anything else right now... and that's a down right shame.

  6. Anonymous2:28:00 PM

    "Seems as if Blink is running scared."

    Is she still deleting comments?

  7. Anonymous2:35:00 PM

    They have no more story, Public Eye. What else is there to do? She is absolutely fuming because of your site. Consider it a compliment. If none of it were true, she wouldn't care.

  8. Anonymous2:59:00 PM

    Let's see, it fine and dandy for Blink to bash innocent people, make false allegations, and out and out lie but can't take it the truth. Yep, that is what I expected.

    Oh and there is no a doubt in my mind about Blink having more than one user name on her blog or she has "schooled" many to sound just like her. Is this just another one of her deflections on the truth? I say YES!


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