Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Christine Sheddy; The Fires of Byrd Rd. who set these fires and why? Were these fires Investigated for arson?

Pocomoke City, MD– Christine Sheddy was murdered on the Byrd Rd Farm in Pocomoke City on the evening of November 12, 2007.

The series of events that led up to her murder are stupifying.

Of Particular concern is the rash of fires occuring on the farm and within surrounding areas in the time frame of both of Christine’s visits there.


As the September alarms are no longer accessible on the Pocomoke Volunteer Fire Department Site, you are looking at a cached version confirming the call to the farm and the fact that photos DID exist of what was assuredly a major fire. Three different stations responded at a minimum. The Images have been deleted.

The day before the Byrd road chicken house fire on September 20th, the Showell Fire Department extinguished this chicken house fire:


Also a cached version of deleted information from the PVFD site, is this October Alarm Source, through October 23rd, 2007:


Effective October 1, 2007 the Worcester County Fire Marshalls Office takes over.

“..The Worcester County Fire Marshal’s Office is responsible for conducting fire investigations of all fires in the County where arson is suspected, the fire is undetermined by the fire department, and/or an injury or death has occurred. The Worcester County Fire Marshal’s Office is the local enforcing agency for 3 municipalities and the County…”

Note the October 10th alarm for yet again, a subsequent fire in the chickenhouse on Byrd Road.

On October 11, the neighbors who have already been vicitmized by the Clarence Butch “ Jr” Jackson crew, are victimized again. As you can see the Fire Marshall visits Byrd Road.

What the record does not say, is that the neighbors are awakened at 3 am by the Fire Marshall and Deputy Parnell from the PCPD. They were told if they called the Fire Department one more time for fires on the neighboring property, they would be arrested.

On the exact same day that JR Jackson unsuccessfully seeks peace orders against the neighbors that are simply trying to avoid the menace of his existance at this point are denied on October 13th; there is another chicken house fire. Fire Police and Pocomoke PD are in attendance.

Another outside fire call on October 17th. There is no data past October 23rd on fire activity available for this time frame.

The November calls have been deleted entirely by the Pocomake VFD. The site is managed and maintained by “Choppy Layton” a long time Vounteer Fire Fighter and by all accounts, a solid guy.

What is astounding, is that I am in receipt of an email that confirms a witness gave a statement to Detective Trautman, the original detective in this case, on February 12, 2008.

Should we consider it a coincidence then, that the last time the PVFD site is updated, and apparently when the November alarms were deleted is February 12, 2008?


We have eyewitness accounts of fires on the Byrd Road farmhouse from November 9th through the 13th at a minimum. Fire Police and Marshalls have been to the property. By my accounting, we are talking in the neighborhood of 12 fire alarms to this property alone, starting one month after an emergency outdoor burn ban.

Why hasn’t Clarence Jackson been charged with arson?

Any other suspects? Dead Issue? We know there are surveillance still pictures and security guard witnesses, what did they see?

What is the ratio of alarm calls versus arson arrests?

I digress.

Who was copied on the confirmation email containing a witness statement on February 12, 2008?

Michael McDermott.


BlinkOnCrime for updates and comments


  1. Anonymous10:14:00 AM

    The answer is plain and simple, just look up the legal definition of arson.
    there's a name for those like blink, it's "shithouse lawyer".

  2. Anonymous11:41:00 AM

    Ha Ha Ha!!! Shithouse Lawyer is up to it again. There's a big difference in a grand jury indictment and someone actually being charged with a crime. All the oooohing and aaaahing over at Burke's site is amusing though.

  3. Anonymous1:01:00 PM

    annon 1141 I find nothing amusing.
    Christine wasnt murdered in my town she was murdered in yours. My city govt. isnt corrupt, yours is. If the spotlight is too hot for you why dont you take mcdickheads advice and move.


  4. Anonymous2:17:00 PM

    HA HA HA HA, then don't read then I4NI. Not my fault you all are falling for Shithouse. I live no where near Maryland. Just an old friend of Shithouses trying to keep tabs on her.

  5. Anonymous3:31:00 PM

    Wow,I would think that someone with any experience investigating crime would, atleast know the difference between an indictment as opposed to someone being charge with a crime. They do not mean the same thing.

    Winter's information wasn't removed from casesearch. It was never there to begin with. Only when someone is formally charged with something either civil or criminal does it appear on casesearch. He was indicted by a Wicomico Grand Jury. An indictment is nothing more than a formal accusation. He hasn't been charged with anything

    White on the other hand was never indicted. That process was eliminated in her case and the charging docs were filed directly through the court.

  6. Anonymous3:40:00 PM

    sorry folks, I just do not believe that a deputy and fire marshal would go to a residents home at 3am in the morn.

    This just does not add up.

    could it be that the neighbors were calling the fire dept. every time there was a BBQ or a bond fire?

    Granted theses low lifes on the farm had fires, major fires at that.

    But it does not add up that a deputy and the fire marshal threatened them at 3am.. no way...

  7. Anonymous3:40:00 PM

    What was Showell doing in Pocomoke? What are they like 40 miles away? And with atleast 5 other 5 companies in between?

  8. Anonymous3:59:00 PM

    yeah, why would Showell be in Pocomoke when there's about 15 other departments closer?

    is that just a random picture to make this look like some kind of conspiracy?

    It's slippery slope, watch your back

  9. Anonymous4:01:00 PM

    Anon 3:40
    I don't believe it either. This appears to be all made up. For one thing Parnell's not with the PCPD.

  10. Anonymous4:14:00 PM

    HA HA HA HA 3:59, that's Shithouse for ya. Forever trying to make mountains out of molehills and never suceeding!!!!!! Jackass of all trades master of none!!!!!!!

  11. Anonymous4:41:00 PM

    Now the fire police is involved in the consiracy. Whoever writing this, hasn't any idea of the role of fire police.

  12. Anonymous5:42:00 PM

    I4NI - I didn't know that christine was murdered in Pocomoke. Thanks for clearing that up. All of the stories have been talking about her being at a farm house which everyone assumed was out in the country.

    We really need to focus on the town of pocomoke more than ever now.

  13. 5:42

    the farm house is outside city limits.
    The Pocomoke City police have no jurisdiction there.

  14. Anonymous6:50:00 PM

    is that the best you guys have?

  15. Anonymous7:38:00 PM

    HA HA HA HA.....the ? is I4NI is that the best you guys have? Shithouse as an investigator!!!!!!! A fake one at that. Sooooooo funny how guilible ya all are!!!

    Stay tuned folks, for more STINK FROM BLINK...that's all it is disgusied as a true investigation.

  16. Anonymous7:53:00 PM

    Public Eye I didn't think the PCPD or the Pocomoke City government had anything to do with that part of the county either.
    Anything that happens out there is handled by the Maryland State police, county sheriff's office and the investigative bureau. So what do they thinks going on McDermott has control over the Md State Police?

  17. Anonymous7:58:00 PM

    mcdermott was the lead detective for wcbi

  18. 7:53
    I don't know.

    I'm not going to assume or imply anyone..

    Mcdermott IS a detective for the County but so are a number of people.

    All I can do is post what I see and read at this point because I so confused now I don't know anything.

    I just hope and pray that Christine's family get closure and justice in the end without honorable locals being drug through the mud for no reason.

    I'd really like to hear from the neighbors to see if this is hearsay or if they were actually questioned personally by the new investigators.

  19. Anonymous8:05:00 PM

    No McDermott was never the lead detective for the WCBI. The head guy is someone from the maryland state police.

  20. Anonymous8:13:00 PM

    So much for the fire department bashing now it's the Maryland State Police, the Worcester County Sheriff's office and every other police agency in the county that appears to be getting bashed.

    The Worcester County Bureau Of Investigations is made up of the state , the county and local law enforcement agencies. Anything that happens out on byrd rd has nothing to do with pocomoke city or it's government. And for anyone to think the wcbi is corrupt in anyway is mistaken.

  21. Anonymous8:17:00 PM

    Who is this that is accusing Bobby Trautman of some unjust behavior?

  22. Anonymous8:18:00 PM

    mcdermott was the lead detective in christines case. keep up people

  23. Anonymous8:27:00 PM

    You are the one who said the lead detective for wcbi. Still doesn't matter. He has to answer to the state guy's who is in charge. I don't think the Maryland state police would try and hide anything.

  24. Anonymous9:37:00 PM

    Is anyone wondering why they were begging for fire reports when they were obviously already in possession of these 'screen shots'?

    Where did these screen shots come from and who anticipated the future need of such evidence?

    Were they simply on a public website that is dated?

    This is obviously a 'string along' and is delaying the outcome thus giving those involved time to regroup (or go to Mexico) [sarcasm]

    Where's the alleged person that was supposedly "in custody"?

  25. Anonymous11:41:00 AM

    If you mean the new detectives being "Blink" - no the neighbors did not talk to her at all.

    How do I know this? I'm a neighbor!

  26. Anonymous12:17:00 PM

    thanks neighbor I didn't think so...
    in fact they haven't talked to most of the people they say they have..

    so neighbor, is it true you were threatened at 3am by LE and the fire marshal?

    The walls have ears.

  27. Anonymous12:29:00 PM

    12:17, "in fact they haven't talked to most of the people they say they have...."

    Does that included the detectives on this case? They are making that claim, quite clear.

    slippery slopes
    watch your back
    The walls have ears.

  28. Anonymous12:45:00 PM


    I'm not clear on your question, when you say
    "Does that included the detectives on this case?"

    do you mean, are the Blink crew talking to the detectives?

  29. Anonymous12:57:00 PM

    Yes, 12:45. The official investigators, I might add.

  30. Anonymous1:27:00 PM


    I have spoken to a few of the investigators... and not surprisingly they have never heard of "Blink"


  31. Anonymous1:46:00 PM

    try again people, youre not even close

  32. Anonymous3:13:00 PM

    sorry as much as I want to I cannot believe a reporter over our local LE and the "neighbor" has even confirmed they have not spoken to anyone.

    So what's going on?

    Someone's not shooting straight and I don't think it's ALL of these other people.

  33. Anonymous4:02:00 PM

    If your local LE was so good, why did the neighbors hire their own security?

  34. Anonymous4:15:00 PM

    well, the local cannot dedicate the time to assign an officer to any resident 24/7.

    This is a small county that has only a couple sheriffs deputies patrolling on-duty on a Friday night.

    i4ni, don't take me wrong, I want to find Christine. I want those scum brought to justice. Bad.

    But.. you ARE being lied to by this reporter. I just don't want to see anyone's hopes up just to be let down again for someone eles' personal gain.

    I hope I'm wrong, but I have found so many embellishments in this reporters statements that I think your being taken.

  35. Anonymous5:35:00 PM

    Yes, they are being taken and it's truly a shame.

    This had turned into nothing more than a big joke. A tradegy turned into nothing more than lets see who they blame next.

    All the supposed conspiracies going on are just a figment of imaginations. They have become too far reaching and widespead to be anywhere near believable.

    Some were so excited "oh the national media is coming." Well don't hold your breath waiting you'll pass out and hit your head on something, is all I can say.

  36. Anonymous5:49:00 PM

    The speculation going on is discusting!
    All the held for prostitution, meth lab theories are nothing more than for oooooh's and aaaaaah's.

    Give the poor dead girl some credit. I can't imagine her dragging little kids in that situation.

  37. 5:49
    I agree with you.
    And Ialso can't imagine any grandmother allowing people to even think she would.

    My sole concentration would be to find my daughter so that the nightmare can be over. So many people just can't seem to live their lives in peace. When they are not happy and feel they have been unserved to the hilt they tend to attack those that once tried so hard to reach out.

  38. Stay tuned folks, I have some great stuff coming in, in hopes of helping Christine and her family, if nothing else this resurfacing of the investigation has given me more drive. Maybe it's done the same for others.

    Maybe that's the positive point of all this. the downside is the locals that know or that can help have clammed-up.

    Hopefully in a couple of days i can shed some light on what I have if... big IF.. my contacts get back to me.

    I don't want to push too hard right now.

    Keep the faith y'all

  39. Anonymous12:25:00 PM

    what I want to know, did Blink really leave her kids for a man? Some child advocate that would make her.

    I think she is a fraud who is just exploiting this poor family and unfortunately they just don't see it.......YET!

  40. Anonymous1:29:00 PM

    you're right, we just don't see it. how bout you tell us what we should do. just tell me I wont have to wait untill this hole in my stomach does'nt eat its way through to my liver.

  41. Folks, I leave this comment section un-moderated because I believe very strongly in a persons right to speak.

    But please, please.. lets try not to do what the others are doing that we so dislike, and that's spread rumor and allegations.

    it's up to you guys to discuss what you want, but I'd rather not bring personal lives into this.

    You have the floor.

    Lets uncover the un-truths and find Christines murder(s)

  42. i4ni;
    also you are very compassionate on this issue.

    if you would like something posted on the blog page, it does not matter which side you're on. If you type-up something and send it to me I'll be glad to put it up for discussion.

    That goes for anyone else also...
    if you have questions or answers, or just want to vent... send it to me with a request that I put it up... I'd be glad too

  43. Anonymous3:13:00 PM

    PublicEye, I heard the same thing about Blink as did 12:25.

    Blinko should take your advice and leave out rumors, unproven allegations and second hand stories. After all, she's supposed to be a "professional."

  44. Anonymous3:50:00 PM

    I think it is about time that the citizens of Pocomoke and surrounding area take a stand to protect your wonderful fire fighters and law enforcement! I have never heard any complaints in my life about either unless it happened in their personal lives and that is seldom, very seldom, to none!

    And while you are at it, take another look at Pocomoke itself. Don't you think it's about time you took a stand for the Mayor? That may be hard to understand but he is under attack in this situation too. The agenda that started out to find thugs that possibly murdered a girl has turned into a witch hunt for everyone in Pocomoke.

    The mother of the missing girl and Billy Burke have not gotten the answers they want when they want them, it seems. In order to prove some point this so called investigator has been called in to investigate. She and her goons are not investigators!!!

    My thoughts? I think law enforcement has finished their investigation and under the circumstances are not talking. Can't say I blame them.

    Wake up Pocomoke. Do something. Don't let this smear the town. Don't let the rest of America think that your town is being driven by hoodlums in a fire department, cops that rule where ever they please and a city hall that spirts venom to its citizens.

    If so much is wrong it would have been repaired long ago
    not just because one person said so.

    Let your fire dept. know, let city hall know, and let law enforcement know that you stand behind them and refuse to believe what blink says. The names of people you all know and love are posted on their website. Go there and read it for yourself.

  45. Anonymous4:20:00 PM

    AMEN to that 3:30. I used to feel sorry for Billy and Steph after he got arrested but not anymore. It's gotten hard to believe anything he says anymore.

  46. Anonymous4:37:00 PM

    Blink a professional, a professional con artist. Some one please tell to use a dictionary and to put away her thesaurus.

    I LMAO at her "try as I might" comment, or "I digress." Just her phony use of words should tell ya something.

  47. Anonymous4:46:00 PM

    or her phony "I turned it over to detectives."

    How's it coming pony express?

  48. Anonymous4:50:00 PM

    and instead of all the "how comes" when someone was not charged or the charges nol prosed, she just doesn't call the State's Attorneys office and ask!

  49. Anonymous4:52:00 PM

    or better yet, stand outside the SA's office door, like Geraldo Rivera, the "investigative journalist" does and ask.

  50. Anonymous4:54:00 PM

    Ya notice she will never say what agency she "turns thing over to?"

    Why would that be a secret??

  51. Anonymous5:00:00 PM

    well folks, the "detectives" have never heard of her...

    I see now that 'she' didn't talk to the neighbors personally but her assistant did (while she was there).

    so neighbor if you are still reading can you clear this up for us?

    Did her assistant talk to you "extensively" like she says?

  52. Anonymous5:10:00 PM

    I'll answer for the neighbor. The neighbor happened to be out of town the one and only day Blink was in Pocomoke. Tornado warnings ring a bell, Blink.

  53. Anonymous5:23:00 PM

    This so called assistant (another phoney use of a word) is someone Blink herself just met through the family. He had been to the farm on prior occasions and has spoken to the neighbors, never while Blink was there though.

  54. Anonymous5:30:00 PM

    was that the nut with the stick? LOL

  55. Anonymous5:32:00 PM


  56. Anonymous5:35:00 PM

    The nut with the stick. Whoever you are 5:30, you are cracking me up!

  57. Anonymous5:38:00 PM

    So much for Blink's claim not to believe in psychics.

  58. Anonymous5:41:00 PM

    "That is correct, I did not speak to that neighbor. I RESPECTED THEIR PRIVACY. My colleague did who was with me though, at length. You will also note I never said I did, furthermore I have never shared the contents of that conversation publicly, nor will I.

    Can Blink say double talk??

  59. Anonymous5:43:00 PM

    Blink's source about the car was jr's date? WTH?? And she is calling that a FACT. Bad journalism, to say the least.

  60. Anonymous5:46:00 PM

    Dear Lynn, may I suggest you try another investigator before it is too late.

    Perhaps, writing to law schools and getting a team of students would be another great avenue.

    Just a suggestion.

  61. Anonymous5:52:00 PM

    oh boy,

    the PVFD needs money for a new firehouse

    A nut waving a stick.

    a chicken house in Showell.

    people riding around burning chicken houses to sell the tin
    (het mister, I burnt you chicken house last night, I'm here to get the tin)

    the neighbors out of town but the nut with the stick talked to them. (2 cans and a string)

    a crack ho riding in a car says it's a dead woman's car

    who's going to play in this movie, Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels from dumb and dumber?

  62. Anonymous6:04:00 PM

    Actually 5:52, the neighbors have talked to the nut with the stick, but not in Stink's , oops I mean Blink's presense.

  63. Anonymous6:11:00 PM

    Someone, please, tell Blink how to spell alright and definitely. Try as I might, I can't ignore it any longer or I will digress.

  64. Anonymous6:47:00 PM

    Maybe it the crack ho riding in the dead woman's car with jr who "scrubbed" the dead woman's computer?

  65. Anonymous7:17:00 PM

    Whenever Blink's gets cornered, she comes out with the old "personal agenda" attack. I have been watching her and I knew that would be her comeback.

    Can all of us be wrong about her?

  66. Anonymous7:22:00 PM

    You forgot a few 5:52:

    Women being held for purposes of prostitution

    Meth lab with the profits going to Pocomoke City, city hall.

  67. Anonymous7:25:00 PM

    When that's all you got, 7:17, that's what you do.

    I would like her to tell the name of the detective in which she has given information. It shouldn't be a secret.

  68. Anonymous7:49:00 PM

    Blink sure has nerve saying she respected the neighbors privacy.

  69. Anonymous9:51:00 AM

    Talk about grasping at straws. Blink and her "team" have posted on local message boards in Tennessee looking for infomation on Jr.

  70. Anonymous10:54:00 AM

    What's the significance in showing a picture of a controlled burn of a chicken house in Showell, 40 miles away?

    This picture came from Showell's website.

  71. I'd like to know why one of her goons felt that it was necessary to provide the link to the firedept. website with THE NAME of Miss Fire Prevention!! This is could be a dangerous situation. How can people be so protective of just some minor children and not ALL minors?

  72. Anonymous6:23:00 PM

    Man with a stick???? What was he doing with it? Story I heard was that they looked in a crstal ball.

    News flash --- Neighbor exclusive coming soon. Blink has been scooped! It will appear here in the newest book coming to The Pocomoke Public Eye. Excerpt... "Yes LE did threaten us if we called again about a fire"!

  73. Anonymous6:44:00 PM

    Did anyone notice the chop and snip job the Blink did to her own posts and the post of others. I ask, does a ethical investigator remove her own comments or delete posts from her on site? I don't think so. Her true colors are showing under the pressure that is coming her way.

    I think we need to a chapter or two on Blink. Let's expose all her dirty laundry and call it detective work, oops I mean investigative journalism. We could call it the Stink on Blink. lol

  74. Anonymous6:56:00 PM

    A perfect example of Blinks fabrications are calling this "the fires of Byrd Rd."

    go to Showell's website
    click on "visit our photo Gallery"
    click on 2007
    and then "action"

    this was a controlled burn in Showell (again 40 miles away)you can tell it was a controlled burn because the before and after pictures are on the website.

    Her "team" that's "on the ground" should know this

  75. Anonymous6:56:00 PM

    She's removing her own comments now?

  76. Anonymous7:02:00 PM

    could this be "our" Blink? Was she a psychic too?

    (see the comments)


  77. Anonymous7:04:00 PM

    6:56 I don't see her comment about her source about the car any more. Her so called source was a date of jr's.

  78. Anonymous7:11:00 PM

    Exactly what is Blink, a detective? an investigator? a free lance journalist who can't write or spell. So many titles for one person.

    Just in case you missed it, The Florida Bar cleared Casey Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez, of any ethical wrongdoing in its most recent investigation of a complaint about him.

    Free-lance journalist Shannon Stoy filed a complaint in February about how Baez was to get compensated, alleging that he may have a side deal with get money through a book, television or movie deal about Casey Anthony.

    Two previous ethics complaints against Baez also were rejected by the Bar's grievance committee.

    This begs the question: How many more ethics questions is the Bar going to have to have to take time to go through? Clearly Baez is a lightning rod in the world of public opinion. (Not as much as Casey is, but still.)

    Said Baez spokesperson Marti Mackenzie: "In the eight months since I began working with Jose, he has had to both defend his client and suffer repeated false allegations about his representation of her. One by one, these allegations have been show to be as without merit."

    But are there more "one by one" complaints out there? If so, it just more attention brought to a case that's already had more than enough.

    We soon shall see.



  79. Anonymous7:22:00 PM

    Blink needs to get a life.

  80. Anonymous7:24:00 PM

    Her source is google.

  81. I'd like to hear the true story about the night the neighbors were told they would go to jail if they called 911 again. I find that difficult to believe.

    I'd also like to know about the person with the stick. Was it because of dogs in the area or something? Or maybe to use for walking? Gee..........

  82. Anonymous10:13:00 PM

    Blink did not leave Websleuth because of the Windchime (SO) debacle. She was banned for being a liar.

    Blink's background should've been thoroughly checked before she became the "new" investigator on the case.

  83. Anonymous10:14:00 PM

    I am calling for a Blink Boycott. Who is in?

  84. Anonymous10:39:00 PM

    10:14 The question is -Who is not in? We are all in. Shannon Stoy is a fake and a fraud. Time to show her she has met her match.

  85. Anonymous10:52:00 PM

    I think jmmb,you are probably refering to "the nut with the stick" comment? Only thing I can say is the farm has eyes.

  86. Anonymous11:21:00 PM

    HA HA HA HA Didnt take you all long to figure out her name shannon stoy, much less she is a liar. Tell the good people what you have solved , shannon. Try and get your self out of this one, miss investigator.

  87. Anonymous11:57:00 PM

    I still stand firm on my first impression with all of this. True investigators do not simply via the internet ask people what they know. They do not accuse innocent people! They do not drag you departments, your city govenment, your citizens in general, through the muck and mire and still bet believed to be honest.

    We all know what blink is here for. We have all spoken to others about this situation and no one in the fire department, law enforcement or anywhere in Pocomoke has ever spoken to Blink.

    If she wants to continue to poke and prod at the thugs that are behind all this then by all means she can. However, making Pocomoke look the corrupt city of the nation is a little too much.

    I think that we have always known that true police officers and detectives, fire marshalls do not........I REPEAT..do not confide in her. There is nothing to find on Pocomoke. It just isn't there. This is nothing but an attack against law enforcement, fire departments and Pocomoke City Hall. And guess where the idea of that attack came from! You know!

    She is a trouble maker and a devious person. This can never be allowed in Pocomoke. We all know who let her in.

  88. Anonymous12:11:00 AM

    yes, we know. But as someone said we are nice. No one questioned the grandstanding that went on in March. No one questioned the investigators are doing nothing. No one questioned the case in on a shelf collecting dust. We know the truth. Maybe 3 view search services should be told.

  89. Personally, I don't think they have ever been contacted. I don't think law enforcement knows. But maybe they wouldn't say and I understand that they wouldn't. Why would 3View work with Blink? Have they ever worked with her team before?

    I am not yet too familiar with them except they don't move in to investigate unless the law enforcement requests them. Would Blink be able to ask their assistance.

    Worth checking into.

  90. Anonymous4:19:00 AM

    How in the hell can Blink add her name to the security camera pictures, when the owner of the pictures wants them taken down - they were not given to her?


  91. Anonymous4:24:00 AM

    Does Blinky work for 3View or just another lie?

    Sara, said:
    Would someone then certify blink’s credentials? In Maryland investigators who do business in the state, must be licensed through the State Police.
    Blink ends her emails with- (Her Name)
    Lead Analyst/Investigator
    3View Search Services

    posted on: Sunday, September 6th, 2009 @ 7:31 am

    , said:

    I have never emailed you. I continue to miss the point of how smearing me and my team does anything for Christine Sheddy.

    What Lynn is saying, although I dont think she should have been put in the position of having to, is that in her daughter’s case, I am functioning in the role of investigative journalist and not in my official capacities for 3View; the responsibilities of which are none of your business or anyone elses.

    To that end, new leads and information have been turned over to LE by me directly, and have not appeared in any of the coverage in Christine’s case.

    If you have any questions on that, you are welcome to ask the detectives yourself.

    posted on: Sunday, September 6th, 2009 @ 3:21 pm

  92. Anon 4:24
    I am assuming she did not tell you who even one of the detectives might be? That doesn't seem to be too big of a problem.

    Most detectives, I am sure would certainly answer a yes or no question.

    Blink like to keep things under wraps but expects the people of Pocomoke to give information they don't seem to have.

  93. Anonymous9:21:00 AM

    4:24, More double blink talk? Nope Not this time. She ends her emails with--------

    Shannon Stoy
    Lead Analyst/Investigar
    3View Search Services

    She also makes the claim in the body of the email that she is "investigating Christine's case privately."

    All of a sudden when challenged on her creditials she becomes an investigative journalist.

    Investigative journalists wait outside of doors and ambush judges on controversial desicions, corner prosecutors as to why charges are dropped. Investigative journalists charge into fire houses if they have a question an confront and ask.

    They don't ask on blogs WHY????? and let silly people speculate and make brain dead comments.

  94. Anonymous10:57:00 AM

    Go check out the Pocomoke Tattler, more Stink from Blink and followers lies being exposed.

    Read the comment from Tricia, in the post called=
    Christine Sheddy Case-Is There a Fox in the Firehall?

  95. Anonymous12:21:00 PM

    Anon 4:19, it is a civil matter if no release was signed by the owners of the photographs.
    Photographs can not be posted anywhere that "rewards" w/o permission by the owner. Reward doesn't only mean monetary gain in internet situations.

  96. Anonymous12:45:00 PM

    12:21, and under the MD Business Occupations and Professions Article, Title 13, all private detectives are required to be licensed and regulated by the Maryland State Police. Operating without a license is a criminal offense.
    Maybe J. Harrison could give her a break on attorney's fees since she knows Billy?

  97. Anonymous1:04:00 PM

    another and...."any information on the MD Sex Offender Registry should not be used to threaten, intimidate, harass or commit crimes against sexual offenders. Misuse of the information may result in criminal prosecution."

  98. WOW!
    My P-City Eyes have been busy.

    I've been sick and not around for a couple of days.

    It's gonna take me awhile to catch-up

    keep'n it real... I'm impressed

  99. Anonymous3:11:00 PM

    Does Blink really know Billy? Would Billy tell her who his posters are? Is that why everyone has stopped posting over there?

  100. Anonymous3:12:00 PM

    Hope you are feeling better Public Eye!

  101. Anonymous3:21:00 PM

    I was worried about you, Public Eye.

  102. Thanks for the concern, but I'm ok..

    I had an episode that made me disabled almost 3 years ago and have been diagnosed with strokes, TIA's, nerve damage, etc. etc. they really don't know
    My new and latest Dr says I have fibermialga (sp)
    so they really still don't know... they feed me all kinds of pills but I deal with it, but I go MIA every-now-and-then

  103. Anonymous4:29:00 PM

    from what I understand, "the guy with the stick"
    was a physic, medium or whatever you call them.

    He was using a stick like a "water witch" anyone remember them? I guess trying to locate a body through physic powers.

    The neighbors would know if it's true I assume.

    I don't knock them for trying to use any means possible, but.......

  104. Anonymous4:40:00 PM

    This was the person Blink referred to as her "assistant" that talked to the neighbors extensively, 4:29.

  105. Anonymous5:01:00 PM

    Public Eye - I emailed you.

  106. Anonymous5:34:00 PM


  107. Anonymous6:40:00 PM

    Ya think Blinkster's googled the "MD Business Occupations and Professions Article, Title 13" to see if she is in violation yet?

  108. Anonymous said...

    Public Eye - I emailed you.

    5:01 PM
    I didn't get I don't think

  109. An assistant waving a stick? \ Psychic powers? Did he have any luck? Didn't think so.

    Try a different stick.

  110. Anonymous11:10:00 PM

    jmmb, No the nut/assistant with the stick didn't have any luck. He then ran around telling anyone who would listen it wasn't his fault. He blamed it on some other psychic who he said was a fake and giving him false information.

  111. Anonymous11:12:00 PM

    Oh and all this happened way before he became Blink's "assistant".

  112. Another psychic? A man walking around waving a stick. Has no luck with the stick because he says it is the fault of fake psychic! I got it. But why didn't he try a different stick?

    Where do you buy those sticks?To much Harry Potter?


  113. Anonymous2:09:00 AM

    Blink's attacks on people are doing nothing to help find Christine, her main goal!

    Her reasons for doing so are to deflect the truth about what is going, who SHE is and what the truth really is.

  114. Anonymous2:18:00 AM

    I really don't care what another poster does. People are allowed to change their opinions, aren't they?

    What I do care about is how Blink is telling her "story." Blink is willing to destroy innocent people for a good read and she knows full well it is all a bunch of horse poop.

  115. Anonymous9:09:00 AM

    2:18 I don't think her stories are a "good read." Then after the story, the peanut gallery which is made up of about 6 people, comes on and makes stupid remarks.

  116. Stupid remarks and bizare thoughts on blink are astounding! It is a good thing to witness that she does allow, at times, statements and questions from those that do not approve of her writings. But, in her response to those that question her there is never a true or believable answer.

    If there are people that DO believe the Pocomoke is corrupt don't you believe those people would have jumped on that band wagon of hers long ago?

    If there IS so much crime in Pocomoke and if there was something corrupt there I do think that there are enough big mouths and tattletails in Pocomoke to have told her. Oh, those people would have been the first to take Pocomoke through the halls of the justice system.

    Ask nicely, be polite and go through the procedures of obtaining information that is correct and has some substance. Any question or comment posted on blink gets responded with "you must know something".

    And NOW, a book written years ago has been introduced. So, here goes another Pocomoke family through the mud. Quite honestly, I can't believe compassionate people are doing this. These people are ruthless and have run aground searching for information that, quite frankly, I do not beleive is there. I don't beleive corruption ever existed.

  117. Anonymous12:33:00 PM

    All of this is just "too good". If you are a questioning person(one who doesn't buy all of the BS) on the Tattler or on Blinks site, you get attacked quick, fast, and in a hurry. Are these people for real?

    How did searching for Christine turn into an outsider attack on anything that moves in Pocomoke?

    Who is the "professional" stick man?

    Shannon Stoy, Lead Analyst/ Investigator 3 View Search Services???? What? I thought Blink waved her magic wand and got 3 View to agree to help. According to her she is 3 View so why wouldn't they agree to help? Jeez, does she think people are that dense?

    I still want to know about the guy with the stick. Someone said that he's navy intelligence or some such thing. I remember that guy at the big search in March. He was using some kind of thing in his hand - twirling it round & round then walking off as if in a daze. I thought he was searching for oil!

  118. Anonymous1:52:00 PM

    The guy with the stick may be Navy and he very well may be Navy intelligence. Rest assured the Navy did not send him. So don't go trying to imply that Blink has united with the Navy for any reason.....

    It just seems to me that anyone with Naval training would have used his knowledge in intellegence with other devices besides a stick.

    I am sure he is a nice guy and wanted to help the best way he could....I question his reasoning.

  119. Anonymous2:33:00 PM

    Was this the guy who spent the whole entire time hanging out by the canopy?

  120. I'm the Guy with the "Stick"11:15:00 PM

    Well, since some of you brought it up - let me give you my version of the events. At the request of Lynn, I agreed to provide details of previous searches on Byrd Road as I have been on all of them except the first on in Feb 2008. I also agreed to show Blink areas around the farm that had been searched, and locations that looked promising as a possible burial site. Arriving at the Bryd Rd farm, I stopped by to return a gas can that the neighbors had graciously provided during the search in May 09. I did speak with them, and did ask if they would be willing to speak with Blink - they did agree but after they had returned from town. Blink and I spent about three hours there, hot, miserable, dirty from trekking through woods. Blink and I both had 4 hours drives to reutrn home that day, and as the weather was turning very bad, we decided to leave, and regretfully, without stoppping by the neighbors and at least saying goodbye. Yes, I admit, it's pretty weird to see someone who is a dowser walking around with a "stick" - I don;t use a stick btw, it's a rod and I use a pendulum for map dowsing. I don't expect anyone to believe in this - that's a personal choice - but it does work, not every time, but sometimes. Let me also state this, I have supported Lynn for almost two years now and as much as I would have liked to see this resolved long before now, I'm in it 'till the end. I personally paid for both cadaver dog searches at the property - even the one that Worchester ordered in Feb 08 and never reimbursed the search team for. I could care less about the local issues with elected officials, and I'm not fueling the fire with Blink supporters or detractors but please think before ridiculing me for doing what I can to find Christine.

  121. I'm the Guy with the "Stick"11:30:00 PM

    Yes, I am a former Naval Intelligence Analyst with a background in satellite imagery interpretation. My training involved the fusing of information from multiple sources - didn't matter from where - to piece an intelligence picture together. In addition to my use of dowsing, I am trained in the use of Ground Penetrating Radar, Side-scan sonar, Airborne multi-spectral imaging, and multiple techniques of detecting human remains on land and in water. As for the comment about me spending the whole time standing around the canopy - and I guess that is referring to the large scale search in March 09 - not so, except to get a bite to eat and something to drink - so, at least get your facts right please.

  122. I'll accept that! I was there in March of 09 too and I sure wish someone would have pointed "the stick" to me. Your explanation makes alot of sense. I still like the stick story, though.

    GO NAVY!!!

  123. Thank you for the wonderful explanation...

    I hope you do not take our "stick" references as a personal attack, I think it was humorous as it originally stated and it just took off from there...

    At least you brought a smile to our faces in these really strange and trying times.

    Your credentials sound impeccable and creditable and most of all you sound like a person with a BIG heart.

    Thank you for that grand intro and explanation

    it's folks like yourself that are going to very valuable to finding Christine.

    we are not a mean bunch, crazy? maybe... but not whats being put out there.

    Again thank you and please come back and visit.. I enjoyed that.

  124. homegrown6:34:00 AM

    It's amazing how truth sheds so much light on things. We need more of that. Thanks "Man with the Stick" for clearing that up.

  125. I'm the Guy with the "Stick"7:15:00 AM

    No, of course I take no offense to the "Stick" comment - I did get a chuckle out of that. Dowsing is not precise - doesn't work that way - and if it's done for personal gain it absolutely will fail every time (I can see the water witches getting ready to throw stones at me - not referring to that kind of dowsing folks!). In the end, it only matters that I believe in my abilities and that it works. Using this method to search for a missing person and/or remains is not about finding the needle in a haystack - it's trying to find the right haystack first! If I'm standing in the middle of a 60 acre farm and want to know which direction to go for the best chance of finding my target, better believe I'm going with dowsing first - unless of course there is a flashing sign that says "GO THIS WAY"!!

    All kidding aside, I have a lot of respect for the fine people of Pocomoke and I'm sure it feels that they have been slighted - I know that was not the intent. I am so grateful to those in Pocomoke that opened their hearts and homes to me and shared their concerns and compassion for Christine and her family from the beginning. I have not seen or felt any indifference, contempt, or complacency from anyone in Pocomoke over Christine's case. Bottom line - it's your community, and whatever issues there are, should be your business and your responsibility and left to you to deal with them.

    Only those people that were responsible for Christine's disappearance know what really happened that night, every thing else is speculation, and that does tend to run wild in murder cases. Without a body, this story has zero chance of coming to an end. I implore anyone with knowledge of the events of that night to find a way to pass such information to the authorities, your Pastor, or to Lynn - please put aside all the bitterness for now - you are all so much better than this - we have a young mother to bring home to her children and anyone and everyone can help do just that.

  126. Anonymous9:39:00 AM

    It's been confirmed Blink's feet spent all of 3 hours in Pocomoke. Long enough to shoot her video.

  127. Anonymous11:09:00 AM

    Now that we have the story right from the horses mouth (man with a stick) it wasn't a stick that you were using, it was a devining rod and you use a pendulum for map dowsing?

    I had no idea that our Navy used these techniques. I'm intrigued. Does the Navy actually have training for this or is it something that's recognized in a recruit and then chosen for further development of abilities? It's really great that we have the Navy involved in finding Christine.

    You also mention the neighbors having a conversation with you about talking with Blink. What did you say to them to get them to agree to speak with her? They are fairly closed mouth people and don't say much about anything.

    Finally, someone (man with the stick) is coming forward to tell the real story.

  128. Anonymous2:08:00 PM

    I have a question for the man with the stick, lol.

    Would you call yourself Blink's "associate" or part of her "team"?

    Thank you for post, very interesting.

  129. Lemme say that the guy with the stick is someone I'd really love to set down and talk to for hours.

    Weather we believe in his methods or not I bet he has some very interesting stories and events.

    It's also very easy to see in his writings that his heart is in the right place.

    He has my attention, can't wait to read more.

  130. I'm the Guy with the "Stick"3:01:00 PM

    Let me head this off at the pass before folks get the wrong impression - I am former USN, my service ended over 20 years ago. I became interested in dowsing about 10 years ago so, sadly the Navy is not involved in the search for Christine.

    As for my discussions with the neighbors, I asked if they would be willing to speak with Blink. I did say that Blink was an investigator - not a PI, not a LE Investigator, not an investigative jouranlist - just an investigator. There was not any intention to conduct interviews with anyone that day, only if an opportunity presented itself. Blink had just started looking into this case at the time and there were some questions about the coming and going of people from the farm on 12/13 Nov that needed some clarification. I respect the privacy of these people and know that this case has taken a great toll on them also - I was not trying to convince them to speak to Blink - that would have been their choice to do so and left it at that. The circumstances of the day just did not work out to get back to them later in the day to talk.

    As for the time Blink spent on the farm that day (and I was incorrect in my previous post - it was almost 5 hours on site and 2 hours prior to going to Byrd Rd going over maps and search grids), I do not see the significance of that - we were there to look over the areas that had been searched previously and to give Blink a layout of the farm and buildings - Blink asked a lot of questions of me and spent a great deal of time and care observing the topography and site. I was impressed with her - she is very detail oriented. There was no intent to conduct a full investigation at the farm - just not the right time to do it.

    I am not an associate, assistant, or team member of Blink - I agreed, at Lynn's request, to provide what information I have to Blink in the search for Christine. I do respect Blink for what she is doing and have seen nothing to suggest there are any hidden agendas or expectations of personal gain for her work in this case.

  131. Anonymous3:01:00 PM

    Public Eye, I completely agree. And I want in on that sit in. lol

  132. Anonymous3:08:00 PM

    Dear Man with the Stick - Does it not concern you that Blink said you were her "associate" and that you had a lengthy conversation with the neighbor with her present?

    From what you are reporting, Blink has been caught in two mores lies, as I see it.

  133. I'm the Guy with the "Stick"3:24:00 PM

    Actually, I don't recall seeing a post where Blink called me an associate and if she considers me such for this case - it's okay - I've been called a lost worse!

    Blink was present when I was speaking with the neighbors, just not standing right beside me but by her vehicle on the driveway and out of earshot I would think.

    If you think there have been lies told then be specific and call them out - but be careful to distinguish between what could be misinterpretation and what is a lie.

  134. Anonymous3:45:00 PM

    Hmmmmmmm, Guy with the "Stick", I believe there are emails floating around that prove you might be telling a tall tale, my friend. Emails from Blink herself. Quit trying to cover for her!

  135. Anonymous3:54:00 PM

    Man with a stick was a "colleague" not ab assistant. Keep Up! lol

    "That is correct, I did not speak to that neighbor. I RESPECTED THEIR PRIVACY. My colleague did who was with me though, at length. You will also note I never said I did, furthermore I have never shared the contents of that conversation publicly, nor will I.

  136. I'm the Guy with the "Stick"4:22:00 PM

    Well, I see that I am referred to as a colleague - not an associate, assitant, or team member - and in the context of working on the same case - I guess one could say that I am a colleague. Am I telling a tall tale? I don't believe so - but it's still a free country and you are entitled to think and believe what you wish.

  137. Anonymous6:51:00 PM

    Guy with a stick, you can play symantics all day long. So I guess you talked to the neighbor at length too about talking to Blink, right?

    I can see why Blink has not shared this conversation publically because the is absolutely nothing to tell. She really thinks she is smarter than everyone but then again, most sociopaths do.

  138. please be nice to the guy with the stick...

    let us not do what they are doing and that is use the guilt by association theory.

    He has been there long before this new crew and he has his heart in the right place.

    He seams like a really nice, honest person


  139. I'm the Guy with the "Stick"7:56:00 PM

    Yes, you are right - there was nothing to tell about my conversation with the neighbors; since you seem to know details about the conversation and what was discussed, why don't you share it with everyone?

  140. Anonymous11:13:00 AM

    I'm the Guy,

    "Could he be related to Levi and Joyce Hall?" Is that the reason that the searches on the property where the Pocomoke City FD were in attendance yielded nothing?"

    Do you mind giving an opinion on these quotes made by Blink on her blog?

  141. Anonymous11:49:00 AM

    Another ? for I'm the Guy. You said in an above comment, you were the one who called Blink an investigator. Most if not all investigators previously have worked for some government agency whether local, state or federal. All investigators belong to associations and attend training and seminars. What besides Blink's say so, gave you the impression that she was anything more than a blogger?

  142. I'm the Guy with the "Stick"3:01:00 PM

    I am happy to comment on things that relate directly to me and my experiences with the ground searchs. My observations on the day where the VFD members came out to support the search did not give me any reason to think these folks were giving anything less than 110% in the effort - they were great, and two of these gentlemen worked with me on some specific locations digging with shovels. If you are asking if I personally think there is some kind of conspiracy involving the VFD in relation to Christine's disappearance and blocking an investigation - I would say absolutely not.

  143. Anonymous3:21:00 PM

    Thanks Guy, for the answer.

  144. Anonymous3:26:00 PM

    guy with the stick

    thank you...

  145. Anonymous3:28:00 PM

    public thank you, and stick guy thank you

    PE, you said the truth would slowly come out and you were right it's coming out.

    thanks for defending the PVFD.

  146. Anonymous8:20:00 PM

    The police on christines sheddy's' case never heard of blink. They have kicked them to the curb and won't give them the time of day. Including the nut job man with the stick(luke). Stink on blink are LIARS! They steal credit from everyone. Orlando had same problem with them. NOT CREDIBLE!!!!! ONe day they are investigators next day psychics, we saw shannon claim on paranormal page, stating she is psychic..what a laugh. wannabees.

  147. Anonymous8:22:00 PM


  148. Anonymous8:35:00 PM

    I agree the man with the stick is a liar, I heard he misrepresented himself and lied to Orlando police about his background and he got in trouble for that, I think orlando police called his job to verify things and he got caught for lieing and got fired. No thanks to the man with the stick. Most cons are real smooth. He is a real smooth con man. We saw him out at one of the searches.

  149. Anonymous5:11:00 PM

    Joyce, you're as transparent as window. No wonder you hide. You have LOTS to conceal, don't ya Ma Barker?


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