Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Hawkins man accused of breaking into home, setting shower curtain on fire

Hmmmmm? Is it? Could it be?

ROGERSVILLE — A Hawkins County man accused of breaking into his girlfriend’s former house and setting the shower curtain on fire was charged Tuesday with aggravated burglary and arson.

According to reports, the girlfriend of Clarence Jackson, 35, 176 Bass Lane, Rogersville, was recently evicted from a residence at 166 E. Madeline Lane.

The new occupant of the residence was in the process of moving but hadn’t moved anything into the house Tuesday when she received a call from a witness informing her that the house had just been broken into.

When the new occupant arrived, she found that a French door at the rear of the house had been broken with a rock, and a shower curtain in the bathroom had been set on fire.

Although the shower curtain burned up, the fire extinguished itself before spreading.

The witness reportedly recognized Jackson as the person who had arrived at the residence.

The witness told police that Jackson pulled his vehicle to the rear of the house, broke out the glass to the rear door with a rock, and entered the house.

The witness said Jackson left a short time after entering the residence.

Hawkins County Sheriff’s Office Detective Jeff Greer later contacted Jackson at his home and brought him to the Surgoinsville Police Department for questioning.

Jackson allegedly admitted to going to the house but denied breaking in.

Damage to the residence was estimated at $300.

Jackson remained lodged in the Hawkins County Jail Wednesday without bond.

He is scheduled for arraignment Sept. 28 in Hawkins County Sessions Court.



  1. Anonymous11:00:00 PM

    Hmmmm...sounds like him. But, let's not judge people on their arrest records because the missing girl had one as well.

  2. Anonymous12:34:00 AM

    I have to wonder if it has occured to Lynn that maybe Christine doesn't want to come home. Afterall, she did leave for a good reason.

    I wouldn't want to go back either to all that anger, hate, and hostility. I pray for Christine's children.

  3. Anonymous12:37:00 AM

    This can't be JR, Blink says he is in TN. She is the new hope investigator. lol

  4. Anonymous12:37:00 AM

    This can't be JR, Blink says he is in TN. She is the new hope investigator. lol

  5. Anonymous1:01:00 AM

    Oh my, the tattler sure is dead. Looks like Billy and Lynn have lost most of their supporters.

  6. Anonymous10:05:00 AM

    This arrest was in TN.

  7. Anonymous10:19:00 AM

    The Tattler has lost just about everyone of their supporters because of their multiple user name accusations.

    Yes, some are using multiple user names, but it's not one of US. It's one of THEN.

    In some ill conceived plan to gain sympathy and/or to provoke Joyce Hall into commenting, someone (I can only imagine who) concocted the plan.

    Then in order to make xtra, jmmb and homegrown look bad, they get accused of doing exactly what is going on by Lynn and family, Shannon and "team" and Billy and Stephanie.

  8. Anonymous10:28:00 AM

    Not one single family member posted under different names. They have no reason to. What they have to say they want people to know who it is coming from.

  9. Anonymous10:35:00 AM

    So is anyone going to talk about the fact JR was arrested, or are you just going to continue spewing nonsense about people who are actually trying to find Christine?

  10. Anonymous10:42:00 AM

    You all have been caught in your silly mind games-got it.
    Just keep in mind that some of the people you can't fool any of the time.

  11. Anonymous10:47:00 AM

    Quit monintoring this site. Stay on the other 2 sites. They are your partners in slime.

  12. Anonymous10:52:00 AM

    Take a bow, looks like Nictitate might have read here to get information for her latest tale. Check the dates and times was here before there.

  13. Anonymous10:54:00 AM

    Yeah, Shannon's trying really
    hard to find Christine, 10:35. Your stupidity is unbearable.

  14. Anonymous11:04:00 AM

    That's right....Shannon, aka: Blinkster's current search tactic involves monitoring this site.
    I especially love the way she plagerizes news articles to make them sound like she wrote them and is doing something other than sitting behind her computer eating snack cakes.

  15. Anonymous11:12:00 AM

    Where have you been Shannon besides checking out what's going on with this site? Jr was arrested over a week ago.

  16. Anonymous11:14:00 AM

    She's at the moment, trying to come up with some "story", as to why she never made Jr's arrest public on her site.

  17. Anonymous11:39:00 AM

    12:34 dont worry about christines children they are doing ok for all the stuff they have been threw. As far as you saying christine might not want to come home she left for a good reason is very very disrespectful. We all know why she left, and even though every one is not agreeing on anything at this point and time I am sure we will all agree that christine is no longer alive. Look you guys on this site have every right to your opinion I am not here to try to pull you left or right. I just want everyone to know that christines children do not live in a house of hate, not sure where this mis info is coming from. Again you guys have your opinion and from the looks of it nothing is going to change your minds so I guess we all can agree to disagree.PS I am not family but I know them so I am not just guessing the kids are loved and doing ok I know they are.

  18. Anonymous11:49:00 AM

    Good job breaking the story before anyone else knew about it!

  19. Anonymous12:05:00 PM

    10:42 Fool people? You are the ones that have been so fooled. Shannon is a pot stirring, fraud. She has almost caused you more problems than Joyce. Take a look around you and get a grip.

  20. Anonymous12:11:00 PM

    Surgoinsville, TN is a town in Hawkins County.

  21. anon 10:42

    I'm not sure as to what you are trying to say. What "mind games" are you referring to?

  22. Anonymous12:17:00 PM

    The mind games being played by Shannon and "team" and the group from the Tattler. They are the ones commenting with multiple user names, not xtra, jmmb or homegrown. What they have accused u all of doing they themselves are doing.

  23. I always did think that the multiple usage of names was absolutely nothing and just another way to me, xtra, homegrown and others look bad. Just think of the time and energy spent on IP's and not on the case.

    I just hope that in the end people with real sense will understand what type of person blink is. It is also my hope that they will have an understanding of all the horrible things she has done and said, all seemingly for selfish reasons. Maybe then people will come to realise why there are two sides. And how equally important both side are.

  24. Anonymous2:02:00 PM

    You mean Blinster, man with a stick and the international seer's society didn't have a vision of JR doing the dasterdly deed? Wasn't he seen before as being surrounded by fire? The team is slipping!! Better get a new stick.

    10:28 - righto if you say so! Don't you get it? Some of us have been down the road of getting a few people to make lots of comments using different names strategy with the groupies. It's SOP for them.

  25. Anonymous2:04:00 PM

    Has anyone noticed PatinTn hasn't commented on Billy's site for awhile?
    I wonder if they ever got that picture of Joyce they wanted so badly?

    Shannon, you are just sooooo stupid. And so are the Burke's to think for one second anyone would fall for it!

  26. Anonymous2:07:00 PM

    Yes sireee, Billy Boy, you can fool some of the people some of time, but some people you can't fool ANY of the time!

  27. I'm anxious to hear how blink acquired her information concerning the latest arrest. Did she snoop over here and do some digging?

    This should be a real unsult. Now we'll get to see how many MORE times she can run the fire depts. and law through the mud. And I can't help but think that maybe LE has known about this. And if they have and haven't said anything then good for them! I don't blame them one bit!

  28. Anonymous2:55:00 PM

    Maybe the TN fire department and LE are now covering for Jr again? We all know Jr has "peeps' everywhere. lol

    It will be interesting to see how Shannon the loose cannon will spin this one. She is such a nutcase.

  29. 2:55
    it has already been spun... think about what I mean.

    First, who is my story about?

    Will the real JR please stand-up?

  30. Anonymous3:00:00 PM

    2:17 jmmb, Blink is known for stealing other people's work. No doubt, she got the info here.

    She loves to take all the credit for other people's work because she is such a fake just seeking "fame."

  31. Oh I agree there is no doubt she got the info from here. But everyone is assuming that it is the person in question........

    The post does not say it is..........so blink has jumped to conclusions? again?

    Poor town in Tenn. Hard to say what will be said about them.......

    One of these days she is going to jump and there will be no soft landing.

  32. Anonymous3:20:00 PM

    I think it was Eliwood was the one that wanted the picture of Joyce??

  33. Anonymous3:37:00 PM

    PatinTn, Eliwood, lookinglass were all part of the ploy, 3:20. Notice none of them have commented on the Tattler in ages?

  34. Anonymous4:08:00 PM

    3:37 No, I don't think so.

  35. Anonymous4:14:00 PM

    4:08, well I know so. Shannon does it all the time argues with herself. the same thing she accuses others of doing. she compliments herself on her own site also. She's a mental case.

  36. Anonymous4:29:00 PM

    Shannon, would you please go away. You can't fool some of us ANY of the time. We know what mind games you are up to now. Don't try and send one of your multi-disiplined team members over to comment either.
    I would think an investigator would be less obvious.

  37. Anonymous5:10:00 PM

    Great job PE, but ya just know Blink is going to try and take credit for it, as she always does.

    I guess she and her team were worng again. Jr was NOT in Surgoinsville, TN as she declared.

    She is so FOS and has so many fooled but her world is crumbling out from beneath her.

  38. Anonymous5:20:00 PM

    Looks like no one is posting on the Tattler anymore. I can't imagine why. lol

  39. Anonymous5:21:00 PM

    No 5:10, what Shannon is doing these days is trying to gather "evidence" for her bogus law suit she is threatening. So much for finding Christine. She's on to a different agenda these days. Ain't it so Shannon? Come on Shannon, keep the bait coming, loser.

  40. I would guess that if there are no warrants for his arrest in Worcester County then he is the sole property of that county in Tenn.

    If that being so, and depending on his court hearing down there he may never return to Md. But I suppose Blink, perhaps, can send letters to the officers and police dept. down there.

    That poor town is probably at the hands of blinks idle chatter. Hard to tell how she will destroy those people.

  41. Anonymous5:56:00 PM

    I was thinking of getting my new home redecorated. Geepers, can anyone tell me of a good interior designer near Allentown, PA?

  42. Anonymous5:58:00 PM

    5:56 LMAO

    I seriously doubt her family has anything to do with her but very very funny.

  43. Anonymous6:41:00 PM

    Blinkster Babycakes, try and get some sleep tonight. This will all be here in the AM. We know you are raging mad right now, but try and get back to the matter at hand finding Christine.

  44. Anonymous6:43:00 PM

    Look at the date of this newspaper article. And Blink is just discovering it now (after reading here first). Some "invetigator".

    Hawkins man accused of breaking into home, setting shower curtain on fire

    By Jeff Bobo
    Published September 16th, 2009

  45. Anonymous6:44:00 PM

    post 6:43 should say investigator (my "s" is sticking)

  46. Anonymous6:53:00 PM

    Shannon's too busy worrying about commenting over here, than what's going on with jr.
    Part 3 of the crazy mind games.

  47. Anonymous6:55:00 PM

    and don't forget, she has been busy sending out her little emails. loser is too nice of a word for her.

  48. Anonymous7:05:00 PM

    She has definitely messed with the wrong people this time. I don't think she knew what she was getting herself into but she will know soon enough. 7:02 This is going to be fun to expose such a disgusting human being.

  49. Anonymous7:19:00 PM

    And where has Lukester been? He's really gotten himself into a pickle. Maybe he'll learn to mind his own business this time.

  50. Anonymous7:25:00 PM

    Lukester should look at his crystal ball and see Blinkster's fate. He might want to wear sunglasses and step back because the flames are going to bright and HOT.

  51. Ok folks, I know this can be exciting but please no personal attacks against anyone.

    I really do not want to have to turn the moderation feature on and sift through comments. One I cannot see very well and two, you may not see the post for a day or so.

    So please lets keep it on topic,

    this is about an arrest made in TN and a person possibly of local interest in a missing persons case.

    thanks for your cooperation

  52. Anonymous9:27:00 PM

    Way to go PE...beating the "new hope" on the arrest of Clarence.

    I am sure Blink already knew but had to withhold it to keep the integrity of the case. lol

  53. Anonymous10:12:00 PM

    PE, I know that you are trying to keep the "moral highground" on this one, but the history and past antics of Shannon Stoy are relevant in regards to her behavoir i.e. negative postings, mis information and personal attacks AND her agenda. I would love someone to give us a concrete and complete history on Stoy so we will know who we are dealing with, not just series of small cryptic jabs that the majority of us do not understand.

  54. Anonymous10:12:00 PM

    PE, I know that you are trying to keep the "moral highground" on this one, but the history and past antics of Shannon Stoy are relevant in regards to her behavoir i.e. negative postings, mis information and personal attacks AND her agenda. I would love someone to give us a concrete and complete history on Stoy so we will know who we are dealing with, not just series of small cryptic jabs that the majority of us do not understand.

  55. ....just trying to make it easier for her........goes to show you what happens when you put your attention on other things like IP's, and reading blogs, accusing people and searching for corruption......

  56. 10:12
    hang in there, it ain't over till it's over.

    I know what you are saying but give us time... more things are coming to light each and every day.

    I'm not going to stoop to their level, and in the end we'll come out.

    The fat lady will be posting on the PPE.

    Shoot, with this post it may be all over now. We will continue scratching through the muck though and the truth will be found.

    It's coming out now in bits and pieces, we just have to focus to find it.

    Stay tuned.

  57. Anonymous10:31:00 PM

    dude I'm hanging in there. You scooped the so called Investigator big time on this one. I can't weight to see what's coming next

  58. Anonymous10:41:00 PM

    As far as the Shannon Stoy story goes, there have been enough bits and pieces posts to research. I hope you have been compiling this information and I am sure that you can get the "rest of the story" from some of your loyal followers. It is just a matter a time before she launches another attack on us, and it may be directed to you PE. Remember, your old friends the Burkes have a take no prisoner attitude and will gladly take the chance to hurt you if they get the opportunity!

  59. 10:41

    I appreciate the concern.

    We have been attacked, it's just not been put out here yet. It's coming though in the very near future.

    You wont even believe it, but I promise when I come out with it I'll be firing both barrels.

  60. Anonymous10:51:00 PM

    Please let us know. We are here to support you. You have provided a forum where we can speak the truth and defend our fair city. It is not perfect, but it is no where near what Blink and Lynn and Co. are alledging!

  61. Anonymous10:53:00 PM

    And we will not tolerate any personal attacks on you or you family.

  62. 10:12
    Guess you missed the info on new hope posted here
    3:16 A

  63. Anonymous11:21:00 PM

    I have to wonder how frustrated "some" must be without anyone to fight with. Fighting seems to be an art form to "some."

    I see other sites are deadsville.

  64. I'd rather fight than switch!!

    remember that anyone?

  65. Anonymous11:35:00 PM

    Gee, Billy must be so happy that Blink would be willing to help McDermott run his campaign, if he helps her.

    Of course, with Blink on his side, he is sure to lose. lol

  66. Anonymous11:46:00 PM

    I remember this post so well. What s scam Blink ran on all of us.

    "Hopeful, said:
    Just heard that Blink has some really solid leads.

    Maybe even the real answer of what happened.

    Just waiting to be forensically proven enough to prosecute.

    I am so happy for Christine’s mom!

    One step closer to this nightmare being over!

    Go Blink!"

    posted on: Saturday, August 15th, 2009 @ 12:19 am

  67. Anonymous12:03:00 AM

    Looks like ole Billy B aka KING GOAT is one of your followers PE. Guess he's concerned that another arrest may be immenent or wants to copy one of your stories.....hahahaha!

  68. Anonymous12:37:00 AM

    Blink on Crime has a whopping 10 friends on her Facebook. That is probably all she can afford. lol

  69. Anonymous4:39:00 AM

    Blink's comment to Suz

    Comment by suz — September 23, 2009 @ 6:46 pm
    So who are Kathy and Michael Smith of in Rogersville? (jr’s address in the article) Are they Tia’s people? Friends? Or is my info old, and the Smiths are former residents?

    Blink's response

    I redacted that address, I know you understand, it did not appear in my article on purpose.


    Her article, her article....?? WTH is wrong with this person.

  70. Anonymous4:44:00 AM

    She just loves to take credit for other peoples work. She actually accuses a real reporter from Orlando, Kathy Belich, for stealing her work.

    She is such an egotistical arrogant narcistic fraud looking for attention at the expense of others. Sick, just sick.

  71. Anonymous8:00:00 AM

    4:39, What is wrong with her is that she can not stop lying. It's probably to the point where she can not even help it anymore.

  72. Anonymous12:34:00 PM

    Unless there is an evil twin to JR, this has got to be him. MO is exact - get evicted then start burning things.

    If this is indeed one and the same ole JR the police in Tenn need to look into recent theft and burglary events as well. Stealing things to raise quick cash to pay the rent so no eviction - if all else fails burn it down. And dumbass Tia knows he does this and subjects her children to same ole thing.

  73. Anonymous12:44:00 PM

    I am curious if the mayor knows what Blink is writing about him? I wonder if could slap a lawsuit on her?

    By the way, she has to be the worst writer I have ever read. She has no concept of the english language or syntax rules. Actually, I find her writing to offensive on so many levels.

  74. it would be extremely difficult for a public figure such as the Mayor or lets say a "reporter" to sue anyone, when they put themselves out there in the Public Eye they are expected to deal with criticism.

    Now on the other hand.. 'US' regular people are a different story, defaming remarks toward 'US' - 'from' a public figure is very good grounds for liable and other civil and possibly criminal prosecution.

  75. Anonymous6:19:00 PM

    or for an "author" or "freelance journalist" to sue either.

  76. Anonymous6:20:00 PM

    Blink's article? Not according to Jeff Bobo with TimeNews. Blink may just have a little plagerizism problem on her hands.

  77. Anonymous6:53:00 PM

    I wonder how you feel PublicEye - about having your site HIJACKED by people - who's only interest is using your platform to BASH another? I'm sure it hasn't escaped your notice that the only comments you receive on your blogs are from those who are USING you? Especially the horrible comments about a missing woman's daughter. Most bloggers would consider that sacred ground and would not allow those comments to stand up.

    I don't agree with your politics - but you have your points and a right to your opinion. I just have to wonder why you've traded long-time friends for all of these anonymous users/losers?


  78. Anonymous7:23:00 PM

    What I'm wondering is if Blink ever tracked down and interviewed that person who was making all those comments on Billy's site called Chevygod?

    Chevygod appeared to have some good information.

  79. 6:53

    number one, I have no idea what you mean about having the site hijacked by those using me.

    number two, I have no idea what you mean about "horrible comments about a missing woman's daughter"

    I have not personally seen any "horrible comments" please point them out to me and if it is as you say they will be removed.

    I have not traded any long time friends, they may have traded me an I personally don't care, real friends don't trade, they get to the bottom of their differences.

    Not agreeing with my politics would though.. explain alot of how we differ in what's right and wrong.

    to be on the other side of my political thinking's requires one to be a felon, a sympathizer, a hate an blame America etc. etc, lefty loon that cannot see the middle of the road.

  80. Anonymous7:50:00 PM

    I wonder if Billy ever checked to see if Chevygod was using different user names and ip's or whatever it is he's so obsessed with these day?

  81. Anonymous8:53:00 PM

    Are u kidding me?.....u dont see any horrible comments about a missing daughter? WTF?? Are u blind...? re-read the first three comments posted on this site....You people need to take a long hard look in the mirror...you are sick...

  82. 8:53

    well being you asked.. YES! I am blind.

    I have to manually Ctrl/scroll to enlarge each and every post I'm interested in reading.

    There are many times that I do miss these post, that is why I politely asked that you point these out to me.

    So ... it may be in your face but not in mine.. understand?

    comments are peoples opinions, if I find an opinion I do not agree with should I delete that? No I don't think so. But looking in from the left I can understand your point of reasoning that if you don't want to see or hear it.. censor it!

    That's not going to happen here, I value EVERYONE'S opinion, if it hurts your wittle feelwings there's a red X at the top right corner of your screen

  83. Anonymous9:12:00 PM

    8:53 What is sick...is Blink exploiting a missing girl and her family. What is sick...is the way the Tattler allows it for their gain. What is sick...is people to allow all the these lies by Blink and promote her attention seeking illness.

    I look in the mirror and I like what I see. I know I stand for honesty even when it gets difficult and not the popluar opinion in this case.

    PE is not getting "used", he is providing a place for the truth to be told. Thank you PE!

  84. ok.. I just went to the trouble to enlarge those 1st 3 post.

    Are they questionable? Yes!

    Are they an opinion? Yes!

    If I were a family member I would not want anyone to say that, do they have a right to say that? Yes!

    Who am I to censor the thoughts and words of other minds?

    I read some comments that I did remove last night, and guess what? Those commenters actually emailed me and apologized because after they posted them they knew they were off base, that's what "GOOD" folks do.

    If you noticed, I also injected and requested that those outright attacks and accusations come to a stop or I would turn-on the moderation feature. You can try all you want to make me look like the bad-guy in this, but guess what? A lot of these people actually know me and who and what I am. So I say again, if you do not like what you read here, please, just don't read it.

    With that I will ask the readers here if they think I should censor their opinions?

  85. Anonymous9:30:00 PM

    And what also is sick is that you people obviously have a beef with blink...so why continually make comments about a missing daughter and her family?? Did you know the character of this girl and/or her family?? And PE you are correct in that people should be able to voice their opinions...so don't worry about hurting my "wittle Feelwings"...you didn't...my feelings and opinion is that you people are really really SICK

  86. Anonymous9:45:00 PM

    When it became apparent that Blink wasn't who and what she claimed to be, it got people thinking what kind of people would align themselves with the likes of Blink.

    The phrase birds of a feather has been tossed about to descibe Blink and supporters.

    When you associate with and defend someone who exagerates, tells half truths and out and out lies, it makes one wonder if the other birds have similar personalities.

  87. 9:30

    well, I cannot speak for others nor can I read their mind to say they have a beef.

    You're right, I don't know the family, or the missing person, and I have never nor will I ever say anything bad about either.

    I did have a long conversation with one of the family members VIA land-line and they seamed very nice, and respectable to me personally.. but please consider the fact that I do not know who these commenters are nor do I know what they know about whom.

    For all I know it could be someone that was on the farm that night and given enough rope they might hang themselves.

    What YOU have just done you will find that I will never do, and that's judge a whole group by the actions of few.

    Who broke this news in the article first?

    You are welcome to your opinion just like everyone else, even it's bashing me. But I'll keep looking until I find justice for Christine and family, and in the end there will be no conspiracy.

  88. Anonymous9:50:00 PM

    And no PE....I don't believe in censorship but in all fairness...how are you people any different than Blink?? You accuse her and her posters of attacking the minute someone disagrees with her or her "faithful" posters "opinions"...but that is exactly what you have done to me here on this blog..and basically all you have done "in my opionion" is provided a new forum for certain people who felt "slighted, or belittled or hurt or accused etc etc" on Blink on Crime and the Tatt;er to bash people...including a dead woman and her family.

  89. 9:50

    I don't see it that way at all...

    I cannot control who reads and comments on this blog, but I will say you would not believe me if I told you who is stirring the pot.

    The folks that post here, some are upset at the way they were treated elsewhere, YES!

    But I can also tell you, right here in the open that most are "supposed" to be friends of that other blog or so-called supporters of the family.

    In short... some people like drama.. and they will go to lengths to create it. Those folks are everywhere.. some "huggers" have a knife in your back.

    remember who told you that

  90. I need to clarify: when I say "most" I'm talking about most of the questionable comments

  91. Anonymous10:02:00 PM

    9:50 No way is your assessment anywhere near the truth. Blink is running a scam and if you can't see that, I am sure in time you will.

    I just wonder if you know how low Blink can sink. I do!

  92. Anonymous10:04:00 PM

    No one's feelings were hurt because they were attacked I can assure you. People were sick and tired of hearing WCBI and the PCVFD and it's members being attacked.

  93. Anonymous10:04:00 PM

    I knew it would not belong before "they" came here to fight. That is all these people want to do. At any cost!!!!!

  94. Anonymous10:07:00 PM

    10;04 IMO, it went further than just those attacks. Blink would attack anyone that would dare questioned her. And then the family behaved in the same manor.

  95. Anonymous10:07:00 PM

    People are known by the company they keep. So when you align yourself with a kook you start looking like a kook yourself.

  96. 10:04

    yes, now that's a fact...
    It was a crazy LIE to accuse the VFD of a "cover-up" and that is what started all of us "inbreed hillbilly's" to start looking deep into the FACTS.

    That cause a chain reaction of findings. I wish the family would see this.

    I'll be posting the threat against me soon.

  97. Anonymous10:09:00 PM

    It must be too quiet at the other 2 sites, 10:04.

  98. Anonymous10:11:00 PM

    Oh No, The compulsive need to be confrontational has reared it's head. Yes, it must be too quiet at the 2 B's sites.

  99. Anonymous10:13:00 PM

    So try me....I'm an outsider who has followed this case for a very long time with little or no comments on many of the blogs. I do not know the family, Blink, the Tattler people or any of you I assure you. You say you want to find justice for Christine and her family as do "most" of your posters...but it always ends up as an article and comment section that riducules, slanders, and bashes. Kudos for you for everything that you do to bring justice to Christine's family..what exactly have you done....? I as an outsider have read nothing that you have exposed about Blink the liar or the Tattler people who are only in it for political purposes...I have only read "chapters" about what untruths, lies, etc but what exactly are the lies, untruths etc....like one of your posters said "I'm on pins and needles" Show us...tell us....fill us in...we outsiders don't know

  100. Anonymous10:17:00 PM

    And the attacks continue...I have not aligned myself with anyone...simply asked some questions...got attacked...then made some smart ass remarks about how sick you guys were and the attacks keep coming...some of you really are no better than BLINK !!!

  101. Anonymous10:18:00 PM

    10:13 You best go back to some reading.

  102. Anonymous10:20:00 PM

    10:17 No better than Blink? Than you obviously do know her and very well.

    Calling people searching for the trust...sick, is sure a hell of way to make your point Try a new hobby.

  103. 10:17
    what attacks.. show me one

  104. Anonymous10:30:00 PM

    The family attacked long time supporters, allowed unjust things to be said about their supports and the people of Pocomoke. Losing a child is tragic and heartbreaking, but that does NOT give this family the liscense to attack everyone that disagrees with them or Blink.

    Blink may just be filling their heads with crap but that still doesn't justify their hate towards so many.

  105. 10:13
    you''re not keeping up.

    you know enough about the other websites to come to your conclusion so I tend to say you're not telling the whole truth. That's just how it looks to me. opinion.

    If you look back through this blog you will find everything you asked for.

    If you do not see where we have exposed the lies of others I'm very sorry, I cannot help you.

    In every post, that has been posted our information is backed-up by links and/or quotes that show exactly what is wrong.

    It's a dad-gum shame that this has to happen, and it's a dad-gum shame for the reason that others are using the Sheddy family for their personal gain.

    I refuse to let that stand in our way.

    And of course if you have any specific questions, you can certainly email me, If I can I will answer promptly.

    We here are NOT investigators and do not claim to be, all we can do is search and question, and then post our findings.

  106. 10:30

    sorry, I misunderstood ya.


  107. it would make it a heck of a lot easier if y'all just signed your post, even if it's fictitious that way I could distinguish which way the comment is taken

  108. Anonymous10:42:00 PM

    PE, I ageee this poster is not being completely honest but I am glad they realize some thing about Blink is just not right.

    No one needs fair weathered friends.

  109. Anonymous10:46:00 PM

    All this "I'm an outsider" and hardly or ever comment is dead giveaway that your are an insider and comment all the time. We've been there done that. You are not fooling anyone 10:13.

  110. Is the stupid over now? Is it safe? Because I am about ready to explode!! Does everyone have their attitudes in check now?

    I sure hope so. I get so sick and tired of the how comes and the whys. Please read and reread everything before you people comment and most importantly ingage your brain before putting your fingers in gear!

  111. Anonymous10:58:00 PM

    Maybe we should say Keep UP People or Period! Those are always pleasant to read.

    While I feel sorry for Christine and her children that doesn't mean I have to always like her family. Many times they have come off as rude, condescending, spiteful, unappreciative and hateful. JMO

  112. Anonymous11:11:00 PM

    and....what? lol

  113. Anonymous11:14:00 PM

    Geeze PE, it looks like Billy is accusing as posting as an anon now. Can't these people get over themselves? The tattler is so dead and that just makes them crazier. Uhm...They have to pay for their server. lol

  114. Anonymous11:15:00 PM

    This is amazing. I would have thought "they" would be over on the other sites trashing WCBI and saying how wonderful the TN cops are.

  115. Anonymous11:19:00 PM

    It must be driving Billy nuts that you have more supporters and friends than he does.

    We KNOW you are honorable. Personally, I always found Billy a bit of snake that wants everything for nothing. Just my opinion and evidently the opinions of many others.

  116. 11:14

    well, I reckon that's their opinion.
    they are of course welcome to their opinion just as everyone is.

    I made it fairly clear to them that I was done when Billy emailed me and said to me that I was "up boss-hoggs ass" yes that is a direct quote and I have the email to prove it.

    I have NOT posted there since the last time you see the name "xtraham" I did my best to to keep faith and I was not believed... so-be-it.

  117. Anonymous11:34:00 PM

    I don't think you lost much. Friends don't think of just themselves. I just learned again how incredibly selfish people can be. Their loss, that's why these kind of people really don't have anyone in turn to pills, food and/or alcohol for comfort.

  118. Anonymous11:47:00 PM

    Blink only has 36 comments on her BLOG and most are from her own team and christine's family. Lynn was actually asking Blink legal questions about Jr's arrest. She just doesn't get it yet, how sad.

    Excuse me, while I go flush out my eyes now before I go blind.

  119. Anonymous8:31:00 AM

    None of the laws quoted are even applicable. For instance, the harassment must take place in "a public place."
    And the funny thing is, the cyber laws she is referring to, is exactly what she is doing by sending EMAILS, not what's happening on this site.

  120. Public Eye, myself and loads of others took the stand many weeks ago to stand up for what is right! We have both lost friends. Tom has probably lost more than I have. That being so maybe they weren't such true friends to begin with.

    We will stick to what we believe in and it isn't with blink. It is with the honest people that in her attempt to find the so called truth, blink has drug through the mud and strung lie after lie.

    I am convinced that LE did not drop the ball on this case. In fact, they did all they could with what they had! And I am sure the investigation continues. I question the motives of the girls family. The use of people outside of the realm of law enforcement is perhaps a little questionable.

  121. Anonymous9:56:00 AM

    Get on with it already! I came here after a google search to get more information on the CASE, and also to get a different perspective than that offered by Blink and the Tattler.

    There is nothing remotely helpful here. But all I find is a bunch of mud slinging about who's stalking and bullying who, and how offended everyone is.

    This is not remotely constructive, and it is not just this blog. Blink and the tattler are just as bad.

    Do something constructive. This pissing contest is a waste of everyone's time.

    A blog can be a very valuable asset. As of right now, you are all too busy trying to expose each other to realize the focus has been shifted off of what happened to Christine Sheddy.

  122. Anon 9:56
    I assure you that this began as an honest attempt to defend a town, its fire department and law enforcement from gossip and lies just to name a few.

    The focus has been shifted from the search of Christine. But quite frankly, PPE did not cause that and neither did PPE start what you have called a "pissing contest".....just merely trying to stand up for what we believe in.

    Thankyou for stopping by to read.

    Hope you will return.

  123. Anonymous11:28:00 AM

    This really is the only Blog I have seen on this case that allows non-stop nasty remarks.. And then to continue to just keeping point the finger at others??? Do you all not really see that you are the ones on your belly and the other blogs around you are taking the high road?? They are not spending days on end attacking the PPE like you all are.. And this as someone else posted yesterday is from an outsider looking in. I would think that you would have more respect for your PPE then to spend your time outing another blogger..
    and PE at times you have asked people on here to tame it down and to not attack your be nasty.. And then you sit back and watch it continue to happen.
    Like i said from an outsider looking in this is really the blog that does all the attacking... LOL!

    Carry on..

  124. Anonymous11:48:00 AM

    11:28 another "outsider looking in",
    Absolutely no one cares what you have to say or what your opinion is. Got It!
    We will do whatever we see fit to do, no matter what. You can come here and chastise until you are blue in the face, but guess what -WE DON'T CARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  125. Anon 11:28
    I am sorry that you did not find any reading pleasure here. Before you crawl back under your rock please let me tell you (and the people that just don't get it yet) that most of us on here are standing up for the truth in all of this.

    Now if you don't know how all of these comments were generated, and from what events, I am deeply sorry. You missed the whole point. Quite frankly, if it were me walking into somethng from the outside I would do a little more searching before I made any statements and judgements.

    Your haggling only causes me to question your motive along with your sanity and the fact that we might care what you think.

  126. Anonymous12:44:00 PM

    It is quite obvious that people on here don't care.. This is all about name calling and to see who can out who.. It is like you all are a bunch of highschool kids playing a game. But in all honesty a family has lost a love one and you can't seem to have any integrity to at least let your foolish games go for just a bit..

    JMMB you seem like a very angry and lonely person. I only wish you could look outside of yourself and see just how your posts are percieved.. Oh I know ... You don't care. Like I said that is obvious.. Sad..

  127. anon 12:44
    I hope it does not uspset you to find that I am not the lonely sad person that you percieve me to be. In fact, quite the contrary. I tried several times to use the positive approach. And I still do. It is the rumblings and ramblings of posters like you that make me wonder.

    If I seem sad and pitiful, sorry. I am just trying, like alot of others, to get to the bottom of all of this.

    If you missed the point of it all......sorry.

  128. Anonymous1:45:00 PM

    JMMB you are one of the most reasonable and truthful "posters" here.

  129. Thankyou. I try very hard. And I know in my heart that there is more good in this world than there is evil. Let's just do what we can to always keep it that way.

    Thankyou again.


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